Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
NBPEL> I just realized that Bluet (Rising Star) works pretty well with Knotweed and a evade/miss team. She don't have regular evade herself but her 100% retain HP and two special evade are great and let her survive enough to give all her buff. Works even better with Usagigoke Swimsuit for the extra special evade, extra retain HP and extra intercept.
You may want to try it.
Great idea, I'll try to improve my Knotweed team later, currently I kinda need Bluet for my Corbett team because other girls aren't that good as buffing Corbett.

Also I'm a bit curious about Solar team, yeah I read a Japanese blog article and they said Solar girls are very good and I was surprised because I thought they're meme tier at best, are Solar units really that good or did they trick me ?