Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
Soo the funny thing.

I´ve been playing DMM version for... around a week now ?
Within this short amount of time, I got enough gems to do 2 pulls so far. The first one net me 1 gold character.
My second pull looks like this:

Still no 6*, but the funny thing is - 1 Week into the game and I already have 3 event 5* and 4 Gacha 5*. I am literally swimming in gold, and I had to pretty much double my inventory space (sitting at 115 atm, reluctant to increase it for the moment as I really wanted to see how good the gacha luck is over here) so not all gems went to pulls. Something unthinkable in the Nutaku version.

That being said - I will keep this account, as a secondary account (spent too much money on Nutaku version just to drop it. Will however not spend anymore unless its like Black Friday deal), simply because its enjoyable to see how much stuff you get. Plus there is bunch of new girls over here.
Granted I suppose a lot of the free stuff is the "new player" bonus, but then again it seems the game is still even so more generous.
So yeah - I am keeping this account. Feel free to add me if you were reluctant to do so before.
wow insane roll, you got both gacha golds in 1 pull and both are girls i really want.

grats man.