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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Well seeing as the amount of bosses spawned on DMM every minute is around 25+ and you get 6 raid points, this makes this current event very easy. You just poke the Bosses of other people and do your own thing.

    For me - I´ve been running the new reissue to get the girl, and will wait for phase 2 to finish her up.
    I also started the reissue of our beloved Chibi Ninja chan but damn I dont remember how to 3* those maps so its kinda annoying.
    At this point I still lack enough 5* and I can feel my units being not up to par for the required TP needed for some of the mission I am doing (just 1 or 2 of my 4* are Evolved, the rest is around lvl 35 ish,).
    2 out of 4 of my units are way to weak to be of any real use in 50+ Stamina maps.
    This event should however provide another 5*, that coupled with the swimsuit reissue and the other reissue I am doing should net me 3 more girls to bolster my squads.
    It will take some time however to get there, and I think I will farm on manyus today, since even if I get those girls there will be still the need to upgrade them (even though the manyus now are not Slice and Hit type, there will be another batch of reissue in the future so those yellow-purple man. will have their use)

    Edit: So I suppose at least some little luck smiled on me. My 10 tickets roll gave me this busty lady (slut ). I didnt have her on my Nutaku account yet so she is a New character for me.
    ....also.... Yaii for another 5* :3

    ..... and another Yulan.... This girl is stalking me on DMM I swear to got. One in each of the last 3 pulls I did. (one of em being a single draw to boot)
    Last edited by Myrdin; 01-11-2017 at 04:23 AM.

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