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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Roentgen View Post
    If you have trouble getting new gacha girls, you can go for the timed reissue (the topmost pair of reissued missions on the 3rd tab) for some filler 5*. They're relatively more lowbie-friendly than the permanent reissues as less currency is needed to get the girl + mats. I easily got Treasure Flower (second girl on my helper team) thru that during Christmas. Current one (Plumeria) still has 2.5 days left.
    I think I might be able to get the current timed reissue girl by doing the 10 Stamina Stage since I think I can get a few level ups that way.
    Probably not going to get many of her upgrade materials though.
    Last edited by arclance; 01-15-2017 at 11:50 PM.

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