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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Thanks guys

    Wutan: Nope man. If Vici would find out, she would axe murder me for leaving her (since I dont have her on DMM), search for you and axe murder you for suggesting doing so, go to Japan and, of course, axe murder the entire DMM team for making a version of the game that took me away from her (though DMM was first, but cant really reason with a raving lunatic... or grieving waifu), go back in time and axe murder Sephiroth for being a dick in FF7 and also...why the heck not, and then finally axe murder herself so that she could go to the afterlife and be with me again.

    ....I´ve never really been a fan of double suicide (more like mass murder T__T) in the first place, sooooo..... I think I´ll keep things as they are for now :P
    (with auto-run the game plays itself anyway so I still spend more time playing DMM version, when it comes to time spent in-game per day).

    On a more serious note - Roentgen thanks for that summary. Seems to me like all the featured girls are pretty darn legit. To bad I dont have my 4 Crit girls from Nutaku version here, that would be completely sick if the crit rate stack. Also - a HP drain girl that is not slice is pretty rare. I would like to have one team be a vampire (hp drain) squad and getting this girl is just perfect for that.

    Hmm so there´ll be a choose your 5* ticket gacha ? Ah well... I got amazing luck this time so I wont make in time but then again, you cant have it all right :P
    Last edited by Myrdin; 01-23-2017 at 10:16 AM.

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