Soo I put like 3600 tickets into a 3* which was pretty high - thinking - Hmm good the DMM players are much smarter than Nutaku players, they understand that its better to vote for lower tier girl, and if she gets through she will get a 5/6* form ! Time to make them small rarity ladies shine !

Checked in back today.... she is 38, the top is again filled with 5/6*..... no the DMM players are bunch of idiots as well.
It doesnt matter which girl is your favorite - if she is already a top tier girl with one or two variants, why the FUCK would you vote for her ?!
Its not like they gonna make more variants of her, and if they do - then the company is bunch of fagtards as well.

I rest my case, will not ever care about shit like this again, unless the people get smarter (coz none of them understand that they are hurting themselves with this. Why not get a brand new 5/6* from a low tier girl, instead just push for more variants of the same chick over and over again). Siiiiigh....