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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Just today I though "Damn I love DMM !"
    Open my giftbox and bam 15 FG alltogather.
    Also a new event that has super easy to clear maps, new patch new nation, new girls. Daaaaamn son !

    So can any1 give a breakdown, whats this event about ?

    Edit: Ok so from what I´ve tried so far.
    Running the maps gives you event currency You exchange the currency in the event Gacha that has Treasure chests. Each chest seems to have 100 items within it. After you clear 1/3 you get one bonus item from Nazuna (so you get 3 bonus items, seems like Bloom mats, affection items). So going for full clear is not a bad idea. The first chest also drop the event girl.

    You also collect bottles from each map, that you can use to spawn a bonus stage. The bonus stage gives you 345 event currency and costs zero stamina.

    Thats about what I´ve found out by playing the event. Feel free to correct me, or add in any additional info you might have found out.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-20-2017 at 04:24 AM.

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