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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    So - meanwhile on GS...
    I pulled my 2nd Rainbow girl ! (the current event Gacha one), plus two new gold, and a couple of silvers.

    Seeing this is a legit reason for my to share my theory with you (Rupturez already heared it from me, but now I got a pretty solid confirmation).

    So far - everytime I did a pull on DMM (FKG or GS) at approx up to 5 min. after midnight in Japan(00:00 +5 minutes JST)
    (16:00 Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, etc time) I always got 1 highest rarity girl.
    On FKG I got Aizoon,
    On GS I got... well no idea what these to ladies are called but I will post a picture with all my 3-4* Girls.

    It never worked for multiple pulls per midnight pull, but for each "batch" of pulls (as in: multiple pulls per game allowance at this time) I always got one.
    Whenever I did a pull at any other time, I never got anything as good.
    This is of course just my theory, but with each succesful pull it seems I have more incentive to believe it to be true.
    Try give it a go, maybe you´ll be lucky, and with more people testing this out we can get more results, hence prove if there is some actual tangible evidence.

    My 2 4* (Rainbow) Girls

    Last edited by Myrdin; 03-02-2017 at 08:42 AM.

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