Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
Since I can't read Japanese, anyone have the current low down on the current gatchas right now and if you think (from your DMM experience) they are worth it? I can get an idea of what they entail, but still not 100% sure (for example) if one is an 11 pull with a greater chance of a 6* or getting an 11 pull with a 6* ticket to pick a rainbow of your choosing. Thank you.

P.S. Since above posters mention potential worse pull rate than Nutaku, do you DMM players buy these gatchas more often because of the guarantees to get something? Or do you figure it's best to keep trying your luck with the more abundant FG given?
3000 DMM points for a regular 11-pull + rainbow dressbloom (ends June 5th)

the step-up is single pulls with the last two being guaranteed golds (characters up through event 30)

5000 points for an 11-pull + rainbow of your choice (characters up through event 23)