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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016
    New paid Gacha released. Do we have any intel whats the offer ?

    Edit: Ok FB answered my Q:
    5000 DMM point gacha this month (June) is three guaranteed 5*s and above and also gives 50 flower stones. Worth it if you actually buy flower stones for this game, else skip.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-30-2017 at 11:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    New paid Gacha released. Do we have any intel whats the offer ?

    Edit: Ok FB answered my Q:
    5000 DMM point gacha this month (June) is three guaranteed 5*s and above and also gives 50 flower stones. Worth it if you actually buy flower stones for this game, else skip.
    I can see for DMM pros wanting to skip for fear of dupes, but for newbies like me this seems pretty good. Already have been filled in on the abysmal rate at which you can get golds. So 3 gold guaranteed with an increased chance for Rainbow comes off as very good, add into that another 50FG for an immediate 11 pull. Man, I really wish this had come a bit later since I just did the 5000DMM new player gacha. -sigh- I suppose I might have to sacrifice elsewhere if I really want to get some gold power to my squad more quickly... ugh!
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 05-30-2017 at 03:10 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  3. #3

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    May 2016
    moatd: Ehm... I dont know which Bipina Cosmos you are talking about, but sure as hell ain mine.
    She is a semi skill activation team and she is a WRECKING BALL. The fact she has a bloomed version adds to that even more.
    Plus thanks to her slow speed she helps to equalize the team which would rocket itself straight into a boss fight they would not be able to handle most of the times, instead leaving it to the heavy hitters from Team 1.
    Honestly cant understand why people hate on her so much. She is a solid 5* with good AOE ability.

    NinjaX: Id say keep your money and wait for a gacha that offers a 6*, even if its a random one. In all honesty - 5* eventually become obsolete. As they simply cant compete on the higher difficulty maps, that require you to have multiple rainbows per team. They can barely keep up with full equip slots filled and skill maxed out - plus they need to be cherry picked for best combos possible.

    for 46 euros - or 5000 Yen, its not worth it to be honest. But thats just my oppinion ofc.

  4. #4

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    I don't hate her. I like her but... she is just useless (at least on Nutaku). She is slow. Ok, it's not a bad thing at all. But her skill is just a shame. She harldy deals 6,5k damage on hit-weak pests. I just take my Japanese Iris from my skill activation team and she does 11-12k damage on pierce-weak pests. Pair her with Christmas Rose and they just nuke every ultimate event map bosses in one turn with their skills.
    I really like this cute Cosmos but she just can't do her job. She is just a wall that does almost nothing. Even in a counter team she can't work well since her skill boost defense of only two allies.
    Hoefully her bloomed form seems more powerful and get a nice atk boost.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bipina Cosmos is at least better than Strawberry Candle (in Nutaku). Strawberry Candle skill involve around crystal only. Her skill is single target and doesn't have drain property.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    NinjaX: Id say keep your money and wait for a gacha that offers a 6*, even if its a random one. In all honesty - 5* eventually become obsolete. As they simply cant compete on the higher difficulty maps, that require you to have multiple rainbows per team. They can barely keep up with full equip slots filled and skill maxed out - plus they need to be cherry picked for best combos possible.

    for 46 euros - or 5000 Yen, its not worth it to be honest. But thats just my oppinion ofc.
    I can understand that viewpoint considering how far along you are to have that knowledge. But still, I think I may need more golds to help me reach where you are at right now. I'll keep thinking on it as well as listen to what others have to say about it being worth or not in their mind. The other thing is that, being new, I am unaware of how often DMM has the rainbow deals compared to Nutaku and how much they run each time on average. I know Nutaku didn't run rainbow deals all too often and when they did, not very many of them have been good deals at all. So the idea of building up that many rainbows seems way far off (and potentially very expensive) to me without knowing how DMM's record is on it.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  7. #7

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    maotd ; Cosmos I mention is Cat-ear hair style Cosmos.
    I more familiar with Japanese name so sorry to make you confuss. oTL

    ShadwNinjaX ; I agree with Myrdin this deal not worth.
    In term of gold girl you can use event girl and do perma-event to get extra.
    In term of gems we get gems easy you can collect 50 in month or shorter.

    My opinion if you have money to spare and already willing to pay it's nice to pay for them to show your support.
    In the end who will know maybe you can get 3 rainbow out of this deal.
    You just got Anenone for me that's a good sign.

    About rainbow girl deal I can say DMM don't sell them often as Nutaku do.
    I can't specific how often they do since my native community give a lot of variety intel to me.
    Some said 2-3 time per year, and some said it's at least 6 per years.
    For more intel loitering around Himeuta might help. Good luck.

  8. #8

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    Dec 2016
    If I recall Cosmos (Bipinna) was at some point buffed in the DMM version, her aoe skill is now 1.8x instead of the pathetic Nutaku 1.5x so she isn't horrible anymore.
    But feel free to correct me if I mistook her for someone else.

    DMM ID: 542707285

  9. #9

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    game2534> Trust me or not but Strawberry Candle is one of my main girl on Nutaku. Just because her Solar Node ability. With her my solar gauge is almost always full and I can kill every pests or bosses on event in one turn. For me Cosmos is really far behind in term of battle power. And I like playing with Solar Blast yes.
    Just to be sure, I tested her instead of Japanese Iris. Cosmos does arround 7k damages on weak pests. Japanese Iris does 11k. Cosmos is just too weak for any kind of job. Strawberry Candle or Peach are better for Shine Crysal drop, every other defense girls are better for defense boost.
    But hey, I still like her anyway like my first gold ever. Even if I don't like her evolved form. Bloomed one is so much better.

    Hopefully, she seems better on DMM. Still not that good but she is decent.

    twilightdream> Yeah, I'm peaking of that pink cat-ears hair style Cosmos with her japaneses clothes. Not Chocolate Cosmos with her colocolete statues, which is a good one.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    ShadwNinjaX ; I agree with Myrdin this deal not worth.
    In term of gold girl you can use event girl and do perma-event to get extra.
    In term of gems we get gems easy you can collect 50 in month or shorter.

    My opinion if you have money to spare and already willing to pay it's nice to pay for them to show your support.
    In the end who will know maybe you can get 3 rainbow out of this deal.
    You just got Anenone for me that's a good sign.

    About rainbow girl deal I can say DMM don't sell them often as Nutaku do.
    I can't specific how often they do since my native community give a lot of variety intel to me.
    Some said 2-3 time per year, and some said it's at least 6 per years.
    For more intel loitering around Himeuta might help. Good luck.
    Thanks for the info and advice. I hear what you're saying and will stick to the event/reissue golds for now to strengthen my squad. Speaking of which. I got enough FG for a gacha roll, so went with the event gacha. Got 1 gold but it was the one I wanted: Creeping Jenny. Awww yeah! Whip it good!
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

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