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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Aww man, so lets see where to start. So much has been written during the time I was sleeping.

    Right - First of Congrazt on you GS Rainbow pull.
    I said it before, and I will again - GS has amazing art, the girls "move" all the time which makes it feel like a never version of FKG.
    The music is baller and I recommend to the never players to play the first few levels with sound ON.
    To bad you missed the first event. That had some amazing music going on IRC.

    As for the way the Classes are done, Take a look at this for the explanation

    This was given to me by Rupturez - one of our veteran members, who quit after all this time. Was a good chap, and its to bad he decided to quit the game. Anyway this thing did prove helpfull to me when I started playing the game and did not yet properly understand the mechanics.

    As for equipment - you dont get it - Or better to say, you get 2 pieces of the same typ in each event, but thats it.
    How it works in this game is through Crafting. You craft equipment, which can be further re-crafted into a more powerful one - Wisit the exchange menu (scale on the bottom of the main scree). Its easy to figure out, everything is nicely graphically noted

    When it comes to the drop rate - its the same RNG. I was rather lucky and got 3 rainbow girls Since I started.
    When it comes to powering girls up - They lvl up naturally. You can also upgrade them with GS version of manyus. As for stat bonuses affection doesnt matter much, it just unlocks you the lvl restriction of the power ups you can buy.
    This is the main way how to get extra non lvlup stats and can be done in the Unit tab, 4 tab from the beginning, you fill gems into the sheet and they add passive boost the the girl.
    Also - if you get a certain point of affection, and certain amount of those sheets filled in, the Active Ability - or as I like to call it - the Ultimates graphic changes and gets a little bit more bad ass. You will notice this as the girls grow slowly stronger with your help.

    As for the classes - Sorc. deal the highest damage, but die quickly. Enchanters are second weakest but can fire from the 2nd row, which makes them very very good. Healers can heal all units in their line, other than themselves. Defenders (Royal Guard... unnecessary long name) are you classic tanks, good if you need some one to be alone in a line or tank Boss AoE, etc. The Fighters and Soldiers are pretty much the same and I dont understand why they are split into two types. No real difference. They have solid attack stats and can withstand good punishment (I think one of them does slightly more damage while the other can withstand a bit more but thats about it)

    I personally really like that game and decided to stick with it, so if any of you decide to join me, feel free to hit me up for the Allies ID.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-10-2017 at 04:58 AM.

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