Used over 40 stamina pots and leveled up twice farming Mori Mori. What better way to spend this money than to (finally) set up garden?
... probably blooming. Oh well.

Cattleya, Dahlia and Nazuna chatting by the bar.
Sweet William Catchfly, hiding behind a conveniently placed palm tree, has set up some bait for pests, with Flowering Quince on the lookout. Cats are also part of the bait. For the more vicious game.
Bouvardia examines Pomegranate, who just sits there, staring in the distance with sparkly eyes. Money Tree provides moral support, while Firethorn tries to come up with something to bring her fellow knight back to her senses.
Finally, Wax Tree and Toad Lily, each minding their own business, casually not giving a fuck about what's going on around them.