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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016
    First off, welcome to the Dark side of the Moon..... aaand I´ll see myself out for this horrible Transformers pun wannabe*flushes the toilet*[/I]

    Now that we have broken the Ice Let me say this - None of us were successful at the DMM Gacha immediately. For me it took... I think 4 pulls before I got an actual good pull that made me stay with the version. If you have been reading through the thread, you might have noticed that this is a reoccurring thing for almost every newcomer.
    The great thing about DMM (as you might have already found out on the older pages), is that the amount of free stuff that is thrown at you is so ridiculous that even if you luck is bad that day, you´ll be up on the speed track within 2 weeks.
    Pretty much every month there are at least two promotions going on. One is longer (like the one we have currently going on right now), the other is usually a short one like the previous one (I believe it was a 5 day thing, but might not bet any money on that one).

    Personally Id say, save up your gems up to 100 FG, and then wait until a new Gacha main Gacha is released (with new In game event, ignore the re-issue gacha.). Wait about half an hour and then do your pull. The number of people pulling will be high and it will mix the gacha pool a lot so your chances for good pull are better. This is actually one of the things we have tested and is one of the more reliable theories we produced over the time (we - me and the other, now gone vets who started this thread).

    As for team building you might wanna take a look at this link: http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/L...r_Knight_Girls
    Its a complete list with all the Flower Knights released, and it tends to be updated fairly quickly whenever new characters are released.
    Though having Google Translate JP>EN on a side tab should be advised, since a lot of the skills are not translated and you´ll have to work it out for yourself.

    As for the team - Just keep doing the events and re-issue events, to get your ball rolling with some 5*. Dont bother with 2/3* much. 4*however can still be useful for the Nation battles etc.
    Another tip woudl be - ignore the late game stuff for the moment. Keep on leveling. DMM offers many time limited boosts like Increased XP ratio, Reduced cost for certain maps, Increased Gold per mission, higher chance of extra exp on leveling up the characters, etc etc.
    What you are looking for is the reduced cost for Campaign Missions. Its usually by 30%. If you are around when it hits, mash those missions out like crazy to power level as much as possible until you can have a solid amount of stamina at your disposal.

    Since this is getting a bit to long I´ll stop it here, but last but not least > On DMM you have double the roster size for Allies. Use that to your advantage and get bunch of people in there to help you out.
    Thats about it from me for now, again, welcome to FKG DMM, hope both you and your hubby will enjoy your stay, enjoy the new content and wish you good luck with the gacha.

    Edit: HH bruh - You have your ID in your Signature. Thats the point why I made them like this, so people can see them kinda like a business card ya know ?
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-05-2017 at 10:34 AM.

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