Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
Trigger warning, do not open unless you are offended by truth

Fuck all that shit, and their SJW crap. Not even gonna start. Fictional stuff is Fictional. Better for those who view children in these days as sex objects, to soothe their urges with non existing piece of 2D art than harm actual people is all I am going to say about this. SJW will spew verbal diarrhea. I dont care this whole retard mentality that arose in the last 30 years will soon dry out, crumble and die out. (you can tell shit like this gets me going by my response. All the SJW, BL, LGBTwhateverthefuck, Feminazism and spitefull hatefull movements like these that propagate hate, and discord between people really bring my blood to boiling point. Its because of self entitled, lazy, needy degenerates and people who support them that we cant have nice things.)

This is a fantasy medieval world setting. With Life expectancy half of ours, it was not uncommon for people to get married as soon as they were able to procreate. If you were 30 in those times you were already an elder with great grandchildren.

EDIT: Lost my temper out there for a moment when confronting unjust stuff like this, but my point stands about everything I said.
Not gonna edit anything out, I stand behind my words and beliefs. Though I guess I might go and edit out the profanities but.... nah fck it :P
Also - this is not me attacking Ninjax or anything, this is just my reacting strongly to topic like this.

Edit2: Funny enough - they have guns in this world... You know... like how about going all Starship troopers on those bugs ?
Then again if that were the case we wouldn't have a fantasy waifu simulator game so... never rmind
Nah. I understand and take no offense. I consider myself a liberal yet I am sickened by crap the SJW and "outrage" crowds keep pulling. But sadly, the reality is what it is. We have people in my country still trying to blame mass shootings solely on video games in ignorant finger pointing but will not address the real issues like failed parenting, mental illness, and gun culture. So I absolutely guarantee you if someone were to see any single one of us playing FKG innocently (even before the hentai) with little girl characters, they would scream pedophile immediately and run to the authorities. There is so much ignorance and hatred in my country right now. Hence why I stressed some of us try to be cautious about this. Sorry about triggering you though. I was just making the post in hopes of helping our friends on here who are from the East understand the sometimes very strict and intolerant society we have because of some of the population.

I mean for crying out loud a supposed "Christian" in an evangelical leader just made the news saying the Bible and God give Trump permission to use nukes on N. Korea. Umm since when did God's message of "Thou shall not kill" suddenly turn into "It's okay to commit mass murder"? Dear heavens.. the people in my country... I just want to cry at this rate... Forgive my rant all. It's been an emotionally wearing time these last 6 months....