Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
No worries no worries Tiger Lily chan loving bruh

Yeah right, we dont need people like that here where we come to have fun, not entertain some self important SJW.
As I said, unjust stuff is quite hard for me to stomach, mostly due to my upbringing and personality thats rather old fashioned with strong morals and values, thus when the talk comes to the current socio/political state of affaris round the globe, its hard to keep calm.

Nevermind all of that, lets not talk about heavy stuff like politics.
Here is a Tiger Lily Gif I found to brighten the mood mofufu ~ :3
Tiger Lily chan certainly can cheer me up. Same with Red Ginger. What is it with me and the non-smiley girls? But oh man! When they actually do smile, it truly is possible to dream of world peace! *passes out from blood loss from nosebleed geyser*