Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
New comics:

Attachment 6161

Attachment 6162

I have no idea, except that the last one includes the previous reissued event girl...
Title: Teach me please!
Liverwort: Miss Cowslip, what is that gesture that you're always doing?
<kiss> Dassan*, really thanks~
Cowslip: Hm?
Cowslip: Liverwort, don't ya know what throwing a kiss is?
Liverwort: Throwing a kiss? Could you be so kind as to teach me what it is?
Cowslip: Just normally do a kiss and that's all, but I think it might be to hard for you, Liverwort, ya know~
Liverwort: Kiss...? Like... this?
Liverwort: As I thougth, doing it only one time it will not go that well... <hmmm...>
Cowslip: <'some outstandingly talented one appears!!> <thump thump>

*Danchou abbreviated

Title: Bleeding Heart's pillow
Bleeding Heart: Tomorrow is the day I'm going out with sister*! I can't wait! Sister, I love you! <hugging>
<knock knock>
Liverwort: Miss Bleeding Heart,
<door opens>
Liverwort: may I speak with you for a while?
Bleeding Heart: Yes, what's the matter?
Liverwort: It's about the investigation of the outskirts in the directon of the forest...
Bleeding Heart: Yes, it was today, was it not?
Liverwort: <Bleeding Heart... At first glance, she seems cool and collected, just like always but...>
Bleeding Heart: If that's the case, during the investigation...
Liverwort: <I wonder what is that thing?>

*Sister = Asian Bleeding Heart

Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
Say Volarmis, do you have an account on DMM aswell?
I have one, though it has a lower priority than my Nutaku one, so I didn't include any info of it in my signature.
I go for the event exclusives and maybe the rest of the goodies if I have time to spare on the DMM account.
If you want, you can add me: