Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
I think magical vacations happen during the stamina display bug. Or maybe i'm wrong? I don't clearly remember what and when. I mean, if nothing was wrong, why it will be a problem with vacations? There is no actual reasons to complain I guess right?

Ok now it's time to recap compensation for Nutaku's bug.
-10 FG.

Sure it's a big reward. Did you realize? It's 2 roll on gacha. TWO. ROLLS.
Just fuck you DMM and your ridiculous 10 rolls and 50FG. Learn about great management.

Meh. Sorry for that. I still like you Nutaku. I guess.
Really? That is it? OMG.... I am so glad I switched over a while ago. If I hadn't then, this would probably be the last straw. 10 FGs versus the 50FGs that got me a free 11 pull to get a new 5* and 10 bronze tickets, where you have just as much a chance to go big as I did with a rainbow and others getting 1 or more golds. Then throw all the evolution freebies and more. It's like being in the desert, which would you prefer: a couple drops of water or that whole pristine oasis over there? There is just no comparison! But like another said, you can't try to reason with the Nutaku faithful as they get very salty if you do. Ah well, to each their own.

Oh and hiya Sasara! Nice to meet ya! I'm one of "those" they mentioned that left Nutaku permanently when they had all these issues and just had one of their team people arrogantly state they were going on a "fabulous vacation" and leaving all us gamers in a sorry state. Not to mention their gacha deals were getting outrageously overpriced while decreasing in value of what they offered. But feel free to add me as an ally if you like if you have a DMM account. My info is in my sig below.

Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
Hi, there. *Starts up Chainsaw*

BETTER RUN, NINJABOY!! *maniac like laughter*
Gotta run now, Sasara! Laters! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!