Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
New Comic:

Anemone in a Banana Suit, given by Casablanca.

Edit: That moment when you're doing an 11 pull and you see that pot turning Gold and then it turn out you got 1 gold DUPE... ¬¬
Title: Anemone, will believe
Anemone: Singing in front of everybody in such a getup... I wonder if I'll be able to do that.
Anemone: Then again, I decided to believe everyone and do my best!
Casablanca: Anemone, would it be fine if I arranged different clothes for you?
Anemone: Oh, yes! I'll get changed right away!
Anemone: Seriously, a getup like this!? No, but I did decide to believe everyone! I'll do my best with this! <uuu...>
Casablanca: <Wha..., I took the backdancer's costume by mistake!!>