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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Alright so I´ve spent about an hour on FKG wiki yesterday, whilst watching some shows on the second screen and browsed through every 6* that is currently uploaded and took notes.
    I noticed the Wiki lacks the function to properly sort the girls, and I think I´ll might start working on a simple Excel Sheet where each girl will have her passive skills listed, so if you are looking for a particular thing like lets say "Critical chance, Skill Activation, Counter attack, etc" you can see it without the need to click each girl separately and reading through.

    Now what did this research yield > I found out I can build a second crit team with ease, that will be able to perform just as well as the first one. And if I mix in the units from the first one I can get one insanely ridiculous and one on the same power lvl as that which I am running currently. Some sick sick shit is possible in this game (especially if you squeeze in Kerria ), thank god there is NO PVP....

    Another thing I found out was that, there is actually one... yes just ONE... Magic type 6* who boost Critical and Critical damage.
    The 3 Blunt type girls are already precious (Winter rose was meh, but her bloomed brought her up to be one of the better girls) since the crit passive is common for Slash and Pierce, thus easy to build mono teams, but if you are like me and want one of each color then its fairly problematic. But Wolf berry being the ONLY Crit. Magic girl out there at the moment is absolutely Invaluable and a MUST have if you are building a Crit team and want all the character types. Plus she has the same single attack negation as Apricot, this makes her even better (granted she has no Skill. Activation, but her skill setup is meant for different sort of teams than Apricot.)
    (Which of course you dont need to have, if you ware fine with something like 3 Slash/Pierce in a team, but that just aint my thing, so this find makes me very happy.)

    Now thats it for the Critical Team. Since I know its possible to do a second one, eventually in the future I have a goal to strive for.
    For the moment though I know that my next "pick your waifu" ticket will be Wolf Berry, to max out that crit team.

    Since I ran through all the girls on the Wiki, I got a good look at the debuff abilities and it ain exactly that interesting.

    As such I think I want something different for my second team, and as such I´ll strive for building one based on Evasion . Already have a summary of all the evade girls:
    All of these have 80% for first 2 rounds and 50% chance after that.

    Herbaceous Peony Slash Evade+Crit (see... critical, she would fit into crit team with ease)
    Saffron Pierce Evade+Counter
    Summer Squash Blunt Evade+Skill act.
    Red Spider Lily Magic Evade+Skill act.
    Ionocidium Pierce Evade+Skill act.+Reneact
    Kerria Slash Evade+Uber damage buff on self
    Nightmaher Slash Evade+Counter+Skill. act
    Purslane Slash Evade+Crit
    Golden Lace Magic Evade+DamagexEnemies

    As far as I´ve seen Kerria is a must pick, that girl is plainly broken once bloomed. I´ve run her through some numbers, with her Basic attack, if she triggers the skill, and if either of those Crit. You dont wanna know what numbers I´ve come to, and that was before all the usual "small buffs" like the +15-20% attack, came into play.
    Iono became very good once bloomed. Pumpkin is also a very solid pick, Saffron is pretty damn great (no wonder people like her so much, she has the looks and the skillz).

    Also the new doll like girl Mindrunner picked up > Liverwort, seems VERY strong, kinda broken tbh. If I read her passive correctly. 20% of your teams total power as an extra attack AFTER she already attacks. Thats broken beyond belief, since usually every higher lvl player is above 100K of power per team, Now thats and extra 20 000 ponts of damage, as an ADDITIONAL attack after she strikes with her own, or with her skill triggered.
    If it was 10% it would still be too good (most high lvl players have a full 6* team sooner or later and thats good 150K+ power so we are looking at extra 30 000 extra damage, just like that). But 20% is plainly broken. If I understand the rules correctly that is.
    She is an AMAZING girl, if you kit up your team with all sort of trinkets and baubles to get that power even higher, she is Insanely good. He got lucky with his very solid 6* pull.

    Anyway its getting long again (thats what she said ! Ooooooo............ right I *cough* think I´ll see myself out, dont worry ).
    ** If you have any usefull tips or tricks for that Excel sheet let me know. I almost never use Excel, so it would be very basic roster, the order same as on wiki, with girls on left, and all the abilities made in columns on the right.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-10-2017 at 06:09 AM.

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