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  1. #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Taon said about running gift stage to craft bloom gift... plz let that be joking. At 80stam stage you get 1 lv.3 gift and 4 lv.1/2 gifts. You need tons of that to craft even one bronze bloom gift, let alone silver. It just won't work.
    I wasn't joking; not exactly at least (tongue-in-cheek a bit perhaps). I didn't say it would be quick or efficient, but it is definitely possible. For myself, I've gotten Saffron to 50% already just from the pile of normal gifts I've had lying around since I never skimped getting them in the past events and I've only been playing six months now. I just don't understand why some people complain that there's nothing to do, but now that there is, some people are upset that they can't instantly max it. Maybe don't skip collecting all the rewards in events or wait a bit until you can purchase the new gifts with LCs? I don't know, but I do know that it isn't impossible, just time-consuming.

  2. #2

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    I can't stay in front of monitor much around this time.
    Right now I still have to let my friend run DMM FKG for me (with payment).
    So yea... forget about Nutaku for a while.

  3. #3

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    I'm still here, playing both Nutaku and DMM. I don't diss other folks which kind of led to disputes in the DMM thread. It's common sense not to gossip about users especially if you don't like that person. I don't mind folks bashing companies or defending companies but when it involved our folks, you know people get riled up

    Let's not do that anymore and move on. I tried not to get involved. Please let's not fight again, guys. Come on.

    I like Flower Knight Girl and this little forum.

    On-topic: Bananamon!
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  4. #4

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    On DMM you can get like 12 Blooming Heart (I guess we have only two 150LC Blooming Heart) each shop refill. All the gift from Whale Medals are not enough to max affection 4 girls (you get max 90% affection for each type of gift) and we get 6 Blooming Heart by this way.
    From LC shop, you can get 6 Blooming Heart and 64% of affection. Just enough to max the missing 10% of each type of gift for the Blooming Heart from Whale Medal shop.
    And I guess you have enough with Bond Crystal shop to max the girls unlocked with remaning Blooming Heart.
    And that only if you have girls with different preference in term of gift type. If you have more girls for one type, it's even harder to get enough gifts.
    Well, after all these messy maths, I don't even remember what I want to prove but all in all, I think it's easier to get Blooming Heart than the gifts needed.

    On Nutaku, we don't even have gifts yet. Blooming Heart are useless. Once the previous event medium gifts was used and the few gifts got from forging, it's hard to max one girl. Two is near to impossible.

    Now, in a marvelous future Nutaku, where all DMM stuff was added and works like DMM side.
    LC are a meh source of Blooming Heart/Gifts. LC are used for skill bloom and with all the golds and rainbows from Nutaku, you just can't miss one. So, Rainbow skillbloom, then Gold Skillbloom, then, Blooming Heart. and missed gifts if not enough LC.
    From Whale Medals, ok. But like I said, you don't get enough gift to max all the Blooming Heart from this shop.
    From Bond Crystal. It's the worst part. In this shop, D-Medal are the absolute priority. If it remains enough BC, got for gifts. BUT. On DMM, there is often Bond Crystal gift from campaign/Compensation/Gifts. And more FG, so, more rolls ans salt and Bond Crystal.
    On Nutaku, not enough FG so, not many roll. Same for Bond Crystal from crafting. On Nutaku there is less players and less Raid boss than on DMM. Most of Raid Point are wasted out of Raid Boss events so, less seeds and less equipments.
    So, less Bond Crystal than on DMM if you're not a whale dealing with paywall each week.

    So, on Nutaku, if they do exactly like DMM, gifts will be harder to get since currency needed to buy them is or will be harder to get. In another words, Blooming Heart will be easier to get on Nutaku than gifts.

    I don't even remember how or why this thing but who's care. It's full of maths, previsions and complains about Nutaku. Everyone will be happy with that.

    Oh and I read until the end so, give me that cookie.

    anyway, Bananazuna:

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Yep, the Banana festival short cinematic with Nazuna was hilarious Especially if we factor in the two Banana comix that came out for that event

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