Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
Hope next sales will be either rainbow dressbloom or another choose your rainbow, though I admit I want the former more. I never dare enough to try rate boost deal since salt is just too real.
I never go for those either
You still need to score that slim chance of a Rainbow, to get the featured girl anyway and thats not the easiest thing to do

I would like a Pick your waifu again. Not sure whom to go for, most likely Kerria, though its possible Spider Lily or Derpy Iono would come through as well.

So I have to ask guys, Evade + Counter, or Evade + Skill act.
Evade + Skill acti as always amazing coz... everything gets better with skill act.
But Evade + Counter thats just.... I´ve seen some of my allies teams do more damage than my crit team, with their Counter simlpy due to the fact that the boss mob hit his AoE skill and through the Counter damage took bunch of its own healt.
Really torn up on this one.
Though I guess with enough time, luck and funds it would be possible to build one Evade+Skill and one Evade+Counter