Halloween time! Yay! Time to check to see if DMM FKG devs made my dreams come true and gave us a dark-skinned oppai beauty perfect for the Halloween event. Let's see here. Here comes the update. And here are... the girls...... SON OF BIT-

***Alert! Due to extraordinary circumstances of excessive language and destructive behavior, we have censored the following rant to protect the sanctity of all those who would view this thread. We'll check back now to see if ShadwNinjaX has calmed down enough for us to return!***

-In a room absolutely destroyed, Ninja stands with raised fists to the ceiling- MORE LOLIS?! MORE MOTHER FUC-

***Alert!!! Ahem... We are sorry as apparently he is not done yet and reached salt levels higher than that of the Dead Sea. Truly triggered like nothing the universe has witnessed in an explosion since the Big Bang. What's this? We have reports that Ninja has finally calmed down enough****

-sigh- Come on, man! All 3 Halloween events have had a 6* loli with only 2 featuring at most 1 oppai beauty. I was really hoping for something good come Halloween but color me disappointed. I guess I will try for She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-chan or Snake-chan for short. But before that, can you all help me get all these tranquilizer darts outta my ass? You didn't have to... go.... that......... far............ -falls flat on face, out cold-