Daily deal is defitnely great. But there're couple of reasons why it won't happened. (IMO)

1. In DMM, larger and wider content make it feels like you actually playing games, not just simply collecting girls like Nutaku. Rainbow is meant to be big jackpot with gold as main units, it feels like you are the champion when you can legit pull them compare to easily purchasable rainbow.😑

2. You can't underestimate Japanese people when comes to gacha game, especially one with waifu. DMM knows they can get loads of income because hardcore players will simply buy trucks worth of FG and stop at nothing to pull rainbow of the event. Why offer easily obtainable rainbow when customers would just sell their kidneys for rainbow and waifu.😁

3. As many know by now. Gacha game and microtransaction is pretty much gamble. This one is dark but you can say they feast on player's inner need to gamble. Some have this problem a big time and developers simply exploit it. So stay strong comrades! Whether you are F2P or P2P or 🐳 in the ocean, make sure you have enough to pay your bills and needs! I know some wannabe whales who spent loads and end up with huge debts as a result.