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  1. #3171

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    game ; I don't want to buy at first, but my junior push me with good reason hahaha.
    He said it's a long term guarantee rainbow with cheap price.

  2. #3172

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Well wouldn't call it 'cheap' though. Nothing is cheap in this game, or any game in DMM. But hey I love this game, and I can still pay my bills. So nothing too harmful.

    3000dmm for 200 RC with 1 gold guarantee at least. Not too bad.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  3. #3173

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    I compare it to normal ticket price LOL.
    But hey my friend, I think 3k Yen is not much compare to Yen tranfer rate.
    But it's also this 3k Yen worth around 5-6 meal in my country.
    So yea... in RL it's not so cheap hahahaha.

  4. #3174

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    Well, that was a good race.

    And only 2600 total power missing before I break the 500k TP. Need more affection items.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #3175

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    I compare it to normal ticket price LOL.
    But hey my friend, I think 3k Yen is not much compare to Yen tranfer rate.
    But it's also this 3k Yen worth around 5-6 meal in my country.
    So yea... in RL it's not so cheap hahahaha.
    Thats pretty much the same for me.
    If yoi go to a normal (not fancy) restaurant, pizzeria or so u usually drop aroun 5-8 euros where I am at.
    If you go around mid day to get a lunch menu thats usually from 3-5 euros.
    And of course then there is the the upper level that are 8+ and the fancy ones where you drop bunch of cash, but I never go to these, when I can get good food much much cheaper elsewhere.

    As far as my next purchase on DMM goes - once again I am waiting for the Pick you waifu ticket. Unless they do something like Nutaku where you pay lets say 2K dmm points for a specific girl (one that you like), in that case I would go for that.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 11-01-2017 at 01:41 PM.

  6. #3176

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    I wish I can reach lvl 150 in Nutaku to add more allies
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-allies-1.jpg[Chat Chit] DMM FKG-allies-2.jpg
    In DMM, I still haven't got a full roster, been sending friend requests to random people I seen in missions LOL

    Maotd has dat busty masked chick I wanted 2 events ago :P
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  7. #3177
    Dam that RC + 5 star pick sounded like a good deal, guess I missed out. Sometimes I wish DMM had something similar to daily deal, but sometimes I don't, it would probably become poison, be it good or bad. Just wait I guess.

    So I'm playing the game like usual *insert happy go lucky song* lalalalala...and BAM I find out presents you give to blossomed girls are different than regular ones, OMG you mean I can't give my 100 teddy bears? Them bunnies are rare and expensive to buy...arg.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  8. #3178

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Daily deal is defitnely great. But there're couple of reasons why it won't happened. (IMO)

    1. In DMM, larger and wider content make it feels like you actually playing games, not just simply collecting girls like Nutaku. Rainbow is meant to be big jackpot with gold as main units, it feels like you are the champion when you can legit pull them compare to easily purchasable rainbow.😑

    2. You can't underestimate Japanese people when comes to gacha game, especially one with waifu. DMM knows they can get loads of income because hardcore players will simply buy trucks worth of FG and stop at nothing to pull rainbow of the event. Why offer easily obtainable rainbow when customers would just sell their kidneys for rainbow and waifu.😁

    3. As many know by now. Gacha game and microtransaction is pretty much gamble. This one is dark but you can say they feast on player's inner need to gamble. Some have this problem a big time and developers simply exploit it. So stay strong comrades! Whether you are F2P or P2P or 🐳 in the ocean, make sure you have enough to pay your bills and needs! I know some wannabe whales who spent loads and end up with huge debts as a result.

  9. #3179
    But...that's so mean, c'mon DMM just gimme ONE pick 5 star ticket ((

    But @Game yeah I completely agree with your breakdown, the profit is too good to ignore, especially with games like this, denial just makes players want it MOAR. And after being in Japan for almost a year, yes I can agree, there are some people crazy obsessed with 2D waifu's and all. "And ones that can talk back to me?! Count me in!"

    And yes, I've been to the dark side of gambling addiction, it's not pretty. I love FKG and all, but I have to remind myself sometimes it's just a GAME man, chill the f** out. Lol.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #3180
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    But...that's so mean, c'mon DMM just gimme ONE pick 5 star ticket ((
    There should be one for the anniversary in less than three months, if not sooner.

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