Everyone's tickets are so salty. Ugghh, maybe I'll wait a bit lol. Did my 3rd 100 pt. pull, still no Creeping Jenny (

Twilight - Gratz on your rainbow, not Yamabuki but still super nice, hope it was points well spent for you! Oh and Y U need 4k crystals?

Hunter - Ohhh pineapple, she is nice, me not oppai person but I evolved her for crit. activation, working out great so far

I think I'll (almost) stop giving my fairy chan the things (can't remeber what they called, macaronis...NOT...haha), I have maybe 20k more but I'm scared she will change color and I'm out of those blue things, I don't know how some of you guys managed to save like 100+ of those blues OMG. But I do like free stuff, so probably just pray she will remain purple. The devs. still keeping us in the dark on the final reward for fairy chan? I really wanna know what manyu-like reward awaits us after this.