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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    There are many different builds you ca go for.

    My main squad (helper) is a Crit based rape train, able to cut down shit like nobodys bussiness, but struggles against time limited retard bosses who go before your team does, or dragged out fights where the enemy start with super buffs that wear off over time.

    Debuff teams are still a thing.
    Evade and Counter teams are very very good exactly for those drawn out fights I mentioned earlier (trying to build a second 6* for this purpose).
    Solar Blast teams are actually a thing ! Even more so with the new improved Solar Blast that can stack up to 300% damage.
    Then there are those weird.... utility bulds, or how should I call them. Teams that dont have anything crazy as far as damage goes, but can have all sort of special unique abilities, that can do variety of stuff (By ignoring certain Damage-Weakness types, dealing neutral damage in addition to their attack each turn. Heal up and recover HP, etc etc)

    The best tip I can give you bud is - Look at what you have now, and what the girl is good at. Usually bloomed girls can do two or even 3 things for multiple builds.
    There are only few girls who are good only at one (like Kerria or Friti who are pure damage buffers damage dealers. Scotch Broom who is pure Solar blast, etc etc).
    After you figure shit out, build a team around her. Consult the Wiki, and check for the girls that compliment the setup for what you already have and then just pick those you like the most out of all the ones that fit the bill.

    So who is your current 6* ? Mapple ?
    Last edited by Myrdin; 12-09-2017 at 07:10 AM.

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