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  1. #3691

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vise View Post
    Dude... I thought u already abandoned ur account.
    2 days ago i already remove u in my friendlist. I will add u later after work Wutan.
    Yeah i have read your comment. I was one day to late.

    Actually i debated with myself for the past 3 months if i should pick up FKG again...and here i am^^

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #3692

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    Wutan ; 2 counter+def unit / 2 critical / 1 debuff / 1 dodge / 1 atk

    If you still want to do activation build this 2 can help.

    Royal Water Lily has def buff.
    Streptocarpus has critical buff.
    They both can boost 2x activation rate if got hit (shielding also count as got hit).
    You can set provoke on them and let your girls show off they skill.

    By the way don't want to choose your waifu?

  3. #3693

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    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    Wutan ; 2 counter+def unit / 2 critical / 1 debuff / 1 dodge / 1 atk

    If you still want to do activation build this 2 can help.

    Royal Water Lily has def buff.
    Streptocarpus has critical buff.
    They both can boost 2x activation rate if got hit (shielding also count as got hit).
    You can set provoke on them and let your girls show off they skill.

    By the way don't want to choose your waifu?
    Thank you

    Wow n1 you can pseudo tank now? Interesting.

    Yeah i will consider on of them for my Skill Activation Squad. Preferable Royal Water Lily.

    I done goofed btw. Looks like you need 300 Rainbow Points to get a 6* of your choice.

    i only have 3 points atm. I thought the 3 points are supposed to be tickets^^

    Maple will be the leader in my Skill Activation Squad.

    Did my first 10+1 after a long time and i have got


    N1. This girl looks like a great tank

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #3694

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Now if I might toss another piece of advice here Wutan my friend.

    The thing is .."ahem" (turns on the old mans voice from Diablo)

    *In our days, the age long past, there was the gift, the pover of the skill activation ! It was a unique power, one that brought terror ! Yes Terror I tell you ! to the hearts of the enemies ! The pest shook in fear and the seas turned red (green, purple...or whatever is the color of their blood you get it ) from the blood of the slain monstrosities.
    Yet as time went by and humanity managed to restore more of the desolate landscape, the great Spirits of Nature that gave us this power grew togather with the lands rebirth, and in their eternal wisdom and kindness, they bestowed even greater gifts upon us, in order to protect the world from the horrors of the Great Devourer (yes.. because Tyranids and stuff hehe).
    They even send one of their beloved children, Nae to help guide the Knight Commander and help him !
    It was these new blessings that brought even more power to the flower knights, allowing them to stand to toe with even the greatest of the beast, yes !

    ...errr... or in short - the Skill activation, which was very rare back in our days, is now something of a standard ability granted to most 6* knights upon Blooming.
    If you take a look, back then if you evolved and got a skill act that was the main thing the girl did. These days, each girl has multiple of the "what she does" and skilla ctivation has become much more widespread.
    As such, it is much easier to find girls who have, it, thus rather than fucsing on building your team as Skilla activation team, its better to build your team as "Something else" but make sure all of the girls with the "something else" ability have skill activation.

    I dont wanna keep pointing towards my team all the time, but its easier so forgive me
    My girls main condition was - Critical skill as main, and Skill activation as second. As such all of the girls have some sort of Critical chance and/or Critical damage up, ability and in their secondary they have skill activation (not all of them but the majority does.)

    Just something to keep in mind. Since you can get two different synergies in one team instead of just one this way

    *Yeah the rainbow coins are good, but take long time to pile up. You get some whenever you pull a dupe 5/6* from the gacha, so while slow it builds up over time.

  5. #3695

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    Ain't seen wutan in a loooooooooong time

    shit, we thought you were dead
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  6. #3696

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    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    Ain't seen wutan in a loooooooooong time

    shit, we thought you were dead
    No, i just suffered from a Nutaku Burnout;D and i also picked up another hobby but a certain Girl was angry and threatend me i should come back or she would slice me in pieces...

    So here i am again.

    Good to see you. There are more old veterans still around than i would have expected.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #3697
    Well the old player in my FL still active are :
    Myrdin and BloodyMatsu ( still dont know who tho).

    Maybe u need to update friend code in first page, we got new member on dmm.
    IGN: Vise
    ID: 905845106 (DMM)
    FL : 90/103

  8. #3698

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vise View Post
    Well the old player in my FL still active are :
    Myrdin and BloodyMatsu ( still dont know who tho).

    Maybe u need to update friend code in first page, we got new member on dmm.
    Yeah i will try to update it tomorrow. However this thread is so big i might need some help there.

    Maybe i should look through the last 50 pages and add every DMM ID on the first page i could find.

    Oh boy that's what happen if your off for some time = more work afterwards

    But i agree the first page is a mess and i will try to fix it.

    I added you btw. Might take some time until my Helper Squad is usefull though. I bloomed Maple and she is still Level 1^^
    Last edited by Wutan; 12-09-2017 at 01:03 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #3699

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    Welcome back. I just send you a friend request.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #3700

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    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Welcome back. I just send you a friend request.
    Thank you

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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