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  1. #121

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    Building a Team around Saffron is easy:

    1. Saffron: Give her the provoke Ability and feed her as much dressblooms as possible.
    2. Apricot or Habranthus: Both Girls negate Damage from enemies once. Usefull Ability for an Attrition based team.
    3. Anemone or any other Girl who has Counter+Supercounter and also buffs Defense. Canola is also super solid after promotion.
    4+5:The fourth and fifth girl are flex spots. There are so many Counter Girls available by this point it's hard to mess up cause if you follow the basics you will be fine.

    Easter-Cactus is good for revive, Nightmaher has Counter+Evasion and Sneezeweed is solid. If you desperately want a Blue Counter Girl you are basically forced to use Viola (Yukata) or Ghost Weed cause to my knowledge they are the only Hit Counter Girls.

    Also for OP 5* Unit who has the potential to become better than Saffron after Promotion: Pink (Miko).

    But you already know this
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-07-2018 at 12:28 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #122

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    Camelia also has the potential to become Saffron-like after Promotion, if she got counter. She already has good Evade, Guts and DEF boost.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #123
    I missed Apricot, ugh. But I like Habranthus design better anyways, so I guess I'll just keep hoarding FGs 'till someone good comes up. And also Pink Miko ver., if/when she is priority, you guys all saying she's so good, she's definitely on my target list now.

    I just thought what if I put Safforn in my debuff team, w/ like 50-60% debuff, would she play well in that setting? I did test w/ curling pest boss, someone in FKG Discord said something like that, so was curious. Granted it is only 2 tests, not a great sample size but meh. All are 1 point used.

    If anyone knows of better method to test damage please let me know

    Safforn w/ ~60% Debuff: Avg. 1.5M
    Normal Debuff: 780k
    Counter: 780k

    And that gold '15 ticket, I think I'll get Cymbium (sp.) w/ her 2x 1st turn skill act. With that said, should she be in my Crit team w/ Dusty Miller Christmas, debuff team, counter team, or evade team? Thoughts?
    My Team:
    Flower Knight Tactica-team-current.jpg
    (and if any general team improvement suggestions, feel free to say)

    DMM ID: 838832909

  4. #124

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Well it depends on what you want from that team.

    One counter girl, even if its Saffron, wont make a difference in a Debuff team, because the main scource of damage comes from the counter itself.

    Whereas one debuff girl in a full counter team can actually make quite a big difference.
    At least thats what game and Wutan have been saying few pages back, hence why I want to include apple into my setup, since she counters and has a debuff as well.
    I know mistletoe does it as well, but .... I just really hater her ultimate. Fckn huge cake dropping from the sky. Thats ... just weird. and boring.

  5. #125

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    Why not go for 1 full dodge-counter team.
    This team should be super broken.
    Only few boss have increase accuracy buff, so this team can go anywhere.

  6. #126

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    From how I play counter team as main for all this time, there are mainly 3 ways to play around this team and it all depends on what kind of boss you're facing. Since you have Saffron, I'll use her as main tanker in the setup

    1. Max defense: All girls has counter. This setup is recommended for bosses with multi-target hit. (Provocation won't do so well on them) All girls should have def boost buff as much as possible. The damage mainly comes from counter and occasionally skill. Hard to die, but be careful against those steroid boss. They can, and will punch through your defense.

    2. Mixed offense/defense: This one is my current playstyle after Anemone got buff with her crit damage boost. Add in girl like Shiro-chan to increase crit damage/crit rate to mix and max damage from both skill and counter. (1.5x more damage with crit counter) Universally useful but can be on frail side since Shiro-chan doesn't have any skill geared towards survival.

    3. Max offense: This one is strictly for enemy with super OP single target like Aqua Sakura/Ume duo. Saffron will go with provocation while the rest go full offense with boss killer skill and strongest damage/ atk buff without fear until Saffron got knocked out. Use damage negate and resurrection will help you tanking even longer but will slightly lower your atk.
    Last edited by game2534; 05-08-2018 at 08:49 AM.

    FKG ID
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    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  7. #127
    Thanks guys for the input, it's a treasure trove of good advice.
    I like Mistletoe's special tbh. And yes dodge + counter is great idea, but so far only 2 rainbows (I think?) has that ability

    So I've seen in many of them "last man standing" boss screenshots, it's either Kerria or Safforn as the girl, what if you put them together? Since Kerria has DEF boost, it should help...? So something like this

    Safforn: Counter + Evade DEF
    Nightmaher: Counter + Evade + DEF + Skill Act
    Kerria: DEF + Uber special attack HP Absorb
    Apricot/Habranthus: Immunity 1 turn + Counter + DEF + Skill Act
    Apple Tanabata: Counter + Debuff + React + ATK

    One thing is for Kerria, if I am correct she needs to activate her special to absorb HP for her to work well, maybe not enough skill act. in above team? it is 1.4x, do people spam skill flowers on Kerria?

    Another thing: Would it be wise to replace one of the above with Easter Catcus uber healing ability? And she also has skill act, which is always nice. Maybe replace Apple for this idea?

    Would the above work? And any improvements/suggestions?

    DMM ID: 838832909

  8. #128

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    Kerria needs heavy offensive support to unleash her full potential. But I guess she works very well with Saffron in a max offense team. Saffron with her Evade+Counter+Defense Stuff and Provocation and Kerria with her own Evade + team support full of Crit/heavy atk boost/skill activation girls.
    I guess it can be slightly broken but you may loose some precious power/crit/skill activation if you use only 3 girl to support her instead of 4. Or you should use a girl with the skill act *1.36 based on skill level.

    Spring Starflower or Pygmy Water Lily may be a good option after 6*promotion but you need at least two skill act *1.36 girls to finish your team.

    Maple can be a good choice. +50% ATk for the team, skill act *1.36 and a lot of bonus damage for herself. Snowdrop and Easter Sneezeweed can be good too with *1.2 skill and +30% (up to 60%) ATK at the end of the turn. Since they supposed to last a long time, it's a really good ability.

    There is also St Paulia post 6* promotion. Crit+skill activation.

    There is so many possitilities. You must want to use skill as many times as you can but you also want to deals as much damages as possible. And you should want to use at least 3 Slice girl in this team to increase damage with personnal and whaleship equipement.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #129

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Just to chime in.

    If you ran Kerria you need a lot of skill activation packed into the team she is with, to get the best chance of her triggering her ultimate, as that is what makes or brakes her.
    Kerria without ult ? Not so scary. Kerria with ult ? Yes very scary. Kerria in a Crit based team with ult ? if all of it procs at the same time ?.... Ever heard of One Punch Man ? Yeah pretty much that
    Anything else to layer more % Attk buff onto it works, as literally you do not put Kerria into a team (unless its a self sufficient Crit based team) you build a team around her.
    Thats why if you want to go the Kerria route you are better of evading a hybrid team. She is a nuker and works well with other offense oriented nukers who bump that potential damage of hers by 180 degrees.

  10. #130

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    ok my two cents about Kerria:

    Kerria is very versatile. You could either go full offensive Crit Team like Myrdin and Maotd suggested or you could go the more defensive approach (Debuff Kerria). And Yes to make Kerria viable you desperately need Skill Activation.

    Here is my take on a Kerria Critteam:

    First Turn Crit Team
    1. Kerria (give her the "more HP" Ability cause the more HP she has the more damage she does)
    2. Dusty Miller (20 % Critchance, 40 % Crit Damage)
    3. Loquat (20 % Critchance, 40 % Crit Damage)
    4. Wheat (20 % Critchance, 30 % Crit Damage, x1,65 Skill Act for the whole team on turn 1)
    5. Mei (20 & Critchance, 30 % Crit Damage)

    Kerria is able to dish out 300k+ Crits and that is without any Ampules...

    My take on a Kerria Debuffteam:

    Debuff Kerria Team:
    1. Kerria
    2. Aconite (she is important cause she debuffs for 20% and has the rare ability to buff the whole team for x1,36 Skill Act. if she has Skill Level 5, remember you need a lot of Skill Act. for Kerria. She also is able to heal herself. Keep in my mind that she is a Promo Girl.)
    3. Onci
    4. Lotus
    5. Foxy-chan (miko)

    I am 100 % sure if you go crazy (min/max) you can make even stronger teams than that (There are also Debuff Girls which also boost Critchance and Critical Damage = Crazy Bulky Kerria with Crazy Damage)
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-08-2018 at 04:11 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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