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  1. #131

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    I'm not a great fan of Weat in your team. Or of any girl with skill activation turn 1 with Kerria. Kerria needs skill activation for all the fight and actually turn 1 is almost the less important for her. She don't needs her skill turn 1. She should be full life, unless you're fighting pests attacking first. But even in that case, she may evade the attack.
    That's why I think girls like 6* St Paulia should be better. Or Even Sentitive Plant if you're fighting non slice-weak pests. Okay she don't gives Crit but x1.5 damage from weakness is a great buff at the cost of just 1 girl.

    Anyway, she is so much the best girl in the game. Even with a non perfect team she is OP.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #132

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    Depends on the map i think.

    Lets say you have 4 Crit Girls with Skill Act. (x1,8) and all of them have Skill Level 1 (24%).

    On Average that is a Skill Activation of 43,2 % for all of them. Lets say Kerria has Skill Level 5 (36 %) which means Kerria would have a Skill Activation chance of 64,8 %.

    If you fighting pest who are able to oneshot your girls (3er pack, 1 boss and 2 adds) you basically want to make sure your other girls have a high Skill Activation (80%+) to take out the trash reliably to make sure Kerria targets the boss and not the adds. In such a scenario Wheat is really good because she buffs the whole team on turn one for 20,16% more Skill Chance.
    On some maps turn one can be crucial.

    Sure if all 4 Crit Girls (with Skill Act. Buff x1,2) have Skill Level 5 they would have a Skill Activation of 61,2 % for every turn but that's a long way to go cause on average you can only get one Skill Bloom every month.

    On other maps i would also prefer St.Paulia instead (only problem she has is her low Speed in my opinion).

    Since Kerria also is relatively slow there could be some issues regarding teambuilding (adjusting the other teams appropriately to the slow speed).

    Overall i don't think there is a perfect setup. It's all about context;D
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-08-2018 at 04:56 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #133

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    Kerria seems like a pretty fun to messed around with the setup huh? I might try add her in debuff team MUCH later. For now I'll finally finish the crit team after putting on break in favor of debuff team, which is completed yesterday.

    FKG ID
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    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  4. #134
    Kk thanks guys. Ofc all this is still very hypothetical; after playing for some time, I still only have a handful of rainbows (less than 10), certainly not enough to build an aggressive team of that caliber, but always nice to collect info/plan ahead.

    I recently got Safforn so I was thinking of how to properly support her, or to put her into my existing team, etc. Looks like I'm better off to build a team around her.

    Thought I found some loophole with that Kerria/Safforn set-up; as usual, things aren't that easy/straightforward xD Since I want to focus on counter support, Kerria, you will have to wait for some time longer T_T

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  5. #135

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    By this day we have a lot of crit girls of all types to choose from, so building a crit based team is much easier then when I first starter building mine. Especially like the last 3 Rainbows in a row all had Crit skills.

    I am thinking a fun crit team might be with Accacia and Gundam Chan, since those two buff their own crit by a lot, then 2 more standard crit girls with skill acti, and finish up with Kerria. Yeah I am liking the sound of it. Might not be the best optimised team ever, but sure sounds fun .

  6. #136

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    Move from chit-chat.
    This is my main/current helper team.

    They're general purpose use with activation, defence shielding and double attack.

    I build this kind of team because Nerine, Dendrobium and Ōonibasu is my very first rainbow, so I build around them.

    In early of this year before Nerine & Iono got buff this team is weak.
    They can still easily got K.O. by Acacia & Foxy-chan Aqua shadow.
    Also they got wipe out in Whale mission 25th & 26th in some occasion.

    But after Nerine & Iono got buff, this team a lot stronger.
    They still K.O. by Acacia & Foxy-chan but deal more damage.
    They didn't get wipe out in Whale mission 26th from my severals run this week...
    or I shoud say not yet.

    My 2nd team will go for crit... they look like this for now.

    yeah the 4th member maybe Wheat/Komugi I like her silver hair.
    5th member... I'll think about it later.

    My 3rd is weak point.

    I know Pochu not weak point unit, but she draw by Sorimura Youji so I put her together with other 2.
    and... this group will be future Sorimura Youji charecter design group, if he draw more Knight.
    Sakuranbo is boss fight type so she can move down to my 4th group.

    My 4th team will be place for boss-fight unit & debuff unit.
    Rainbow Mizuaoi/Pickerel Weed, Yamabuki/Kerria and Ivy NY etc.
    Also Sleepy-chan will sleep... sorry will stay in this group.

  7. #137

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    For your last Crit team member i would suggest either Loquat, Ume or Christmas Rose.

    Loquat: Would be really good for your Crit team cause you still miss a Pierce Type, she buffs your Crit Damage for a whopping 40 % and she has really good stats. She also has Skill Act.

    Ume: Atm. Your Team miss a strong Single Target Finisher and Ume provides that. She has one of the highest TP of all Rainbows, she is a Pierce Type and her 30 % Crit Damage Buff is also really solid. She also has Skill Act.

    Christmas Rose: Mainly because she can buff the whole team for x1,36 Skill Act. and for a First Turn Crit Squad that's a good asset to have.

    Maybe you like some of these suggestions.

    I am just happy that the Tactica Thread is so lively as of late

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #138

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    I'll mark Ume as 1st choice Lo(li)quat 2nd.

    I will stay away from X-mas Rose, since I and her have some personel issue back when I still on Nutaku.
    Also she draw by Wazakita somebody I state as dead artist.
    Well I don't see any new work from him for years.
    His twitter only have a random re-tweet stuff.
    Maybe he become hikikomori or something.

  9. #139

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    My main team is well, the usual.
    Flower Knight Tactica-team1.png
    Shiro-chan is wild card for hybrid offense-counter and she will move to crit team once fully assembled, this slot has no solid occupied yet. Epidendrum used to stay here but now moved to debuff team. Any recommendation for this slot?

    Team 2 is sweeper, will be evolved into crit team soon.
    Flower Knight Tactica-team2.png

    Hit hard, die fast. They're responsible for Nidhogg 1st form defeated without single wound, and wiped in 2 turns later when it morphed.

    Team 3 is debuff.
    Flower Knight Tactica-team3.png

    Despite needed lots of ampies for full potential, they can still dish a lot of damage and took little themselves. They might rival counter team in the future.

    Team 4 is blank, still don't know what I gonna play around. Dodge sounds good but solar drive team is downright hilarious yet awesome. Straight atk/damage boost and sweeper sounds destructive enough as well.
    Last edited by game2534; 05-09-2018 at 05:39 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  10. #140

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    I am not a Counter expert like you are but i think good candidates would be Mistletoe, Easter Lily (Rarity Up) or Nightmaher.

    Mistletoe: Has Counter/Supercounter, Debuff (like your Epidendrum), good Stats and she Increases Attack for party members by 20% at the end of your turn (Up to 40%).
    The only drawback: Your Team would only have x1,4 Skill Act. Personally i aim for at least 1,6 Skill Act in all my teams but that's just me

    Nightmaher: Since you make a Crit Team why don't put Nightmaher in your Counter Team? She would fit really well.

    Easter Lily: She has 4,25 Counter Damage which is one of the highest currently in the game, she absorbs HP which helps Survivability and has 1,2x Skill Act. Also good stats after Promotion.
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-09-2018 at 06:13 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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