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  1. #141
    I would like to know everyone's thoughts on radiant princess or idol version of anemone after rarity up. I am considering her as my next rarity up girl. She has 20 % attack up for all members, 1.2 skill activation rate for all members, increase dmg based on the amount of health she has, her skill absorbs hp is single target and does 4.1 times her normal attack dmg (i think) and increases her own dmg for her skill by 50% (Which I think is the highest self skill dmg increase in the game). Does anyone have her? and how much dmg can she do?
    FKG DMM ID: 255077336 IGN: JLP603
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  2. #142

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    I think she is a powerfull finisher. She fits very well in a Skill Damage Team together with http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Cacao

    The only problem is that Skill Damage Teams are only really good if you have a full Rainbow Squad of Skill Damage Girls. I don't know how deep you want to invest in this archetype.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #143

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    May 2016
    Ok so i ran some variations on my second Crit team that I want to make in the future. Unlike the first one that has mostly AoE with Mace Loli Chan being the beast she is when it comes to finishing single targets like Bosses, the second team is instead more build towards single target nuking with two strong finisher characters at the end of the chain.
    As you might notice Wolf Berry and Loquat are not mentioned, those two lolis are already part of the 1st Crit team (my Helper team). Though it is possible to shuffle them around a bit in between the two teams for maximum optimization.
    Version with Kerria
    Streptocarpus ,Wheat , Dusty basic, Mei, Kerria

    Magic, Blunt, Slash, Pierce, Slash

    20 + 20 + 20 + 20 > 80% crit chance
    30 + 30 + 40 + 30 > 130% crit damage

    Skill act.
    2x1.2 whole battle
    1.6 on first turn
    2.0 if hit

    Version with Corn Cockle
    Streptocarpus ,Wheat , Dusty basic, Mei, Corn Cockle

    Magic, Blunt, Slash, Pierce, Pierce

    20 + 20 + 20 + 20 > 80% crit chance
    30 + 30 + 40 + 30 > 130% crit damage
    +60% crit dmg for Corn Cockle

    Skill act.
    3x1.2 whole battle
    1.6 on first turn
    2.0 if hit

    Boss dmg

    Alternative Blue girl - Christmas Rose instead of Wheat.
    Better more stable skill act. but -20% overall Crit. Dmg, does however buff damage according to number of enemies.

    Yes Kerria is OP and all that yadidadidaaa.... but I dont like one trick pony teams, and I really dont wanna cater or the other girls just to her.
    Especially if I wanna keep my own standard of - having at least one type of each girl in the team. Otherwise I could go full ham on Slash / pierce types with her. Plus she needs lot of Skill activation buffing to make her work. So she is a wild card. Massive damage potential but otherwise doesnt bring much else to the team itself.

    On the other side the secondary team doesnt have the Insanity that is the damage a Kerria can pull if she Crits and activates her ult at the same time, but the team has overall higher skil activation, and Corn Cockle being like Anemone, does have a tripple hit ultimate and each of those hits can crit on their own.
    That, and the fact that she is guaranteed to Crit on the first turn with +60% extra crit dmg onto anything the team already provides... yeah make no mistake this team can nuke pretty damn hard as well. Mei is super solid single target finisher on her own so these two combined can dish out buckets of damage.
    Accaccia might work as well instead of Corn Cockle since she has increased chance for crit on 1st turn (not guaranteed) and adds up to +150% extra dmage, BUT, its not guaranteed. Also she has no skill activation which is a huge deal for Nuker teams like this one.

    Alternatively if I wanted to get more stable and reliable skill act. I could swap Wheat for Christmass Rose. They would still have higher than avarage skill act (not as much as with Wheat on the first turn, but more than regular because of the Affection bonus), spread out through the entire fight, making them more reliable. Because believe you me.... I have seen my Team 1 whiff all ultimates in two turns straight at like 70% chance or so. So more reliability sure helps.

    *Alternatively no.2 : Yes If I wanted to make the 2nd Crit team really Solo Boss killers, I could got with Cactus instead of either above mentioned Blue girls. She doesnt buff Skill activation in any way, but does bring good Crit. Dmg (15% chance 40% dmg), but at slightly reduced crit. activation rate.
    She does however have a 60% chance to attack again, and does deal pretty solid though not the best (4.0x) damage to single targets.
    The lack of Skill activation is the biggest issue as this would be at the same level as the first proposal with Kerria.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-10-2018 at 05:37 AM.

  4. #144

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    You could swap Streptocarpus with Pygmy Water Lily.
    She functions as a pseudo Magic Type because she buffs herself and two other girls with Magic Weakness Damage anyway.
    I think your damage output would be even better with her around because of the huge boni to weakness damage + 45 Atk for the whole Squad.

    Streptocarpus only really shines in really defensive Teams cause you want to activate her Ability as much as possible without her dying.
    Since i have her myself let me tell you she didn't impress me that much in my Crit Team.

    I used her for giggles in my Debuff Team however and there she is really good. She can tank hits thanks to the 70 % Debuff of the other girls and helps to buff the offensive capabilities of a Debuff Team by a lot.

    I would probably go with the Corn Cuckle version cause for a First turn Crit Squad you want as much Skill Act. as possible.
    Consistency > Raw Damage Potential from Kerria i would say.

    With only 1,4 Skill Act. for the whole group you will have to feed a lot of Skill Blooms to activate your Ults. on the first turn reliably.

    Considering that Crit Teams usually don't have much defensive capabilities i would go with a First Turn Squad > Christmas Rose cause on the harder maps if the Crit Team can't kill the enemy in one turn they are usually dead if the pests attack anyway.

    Here is some data:

    First Turn Squad Corn Cuckle Version (Skill Activation chance assuming the girls have Skill Level 1):
    Streptocarpus: 63,36 %
    Wheat: 63,36 %
    Dusty: 63,36 %
    Mei: 68,64 %
    Corn Cuckle: 63,36 %

    First Turn Squad Corn Cuckle Version (Skill Activation chance assuming the girls have Skill Level 5):
    Streptocarpus: 89,76 %
    Wheat: 89,76 %
    Dusty: 89,76 %
    Mei: 89,76 %
    Corn Cuckle: 89,76 %

    First Turn Squad Kerria Version (Skill Level 1):
    Streptocarpus: 55,44 %
    Wheat: 55,44 %
    Dusty: 55,44 %
    Mei: 60,06 %
    Kerria: 60,06 %

    First Turn Squad Kerria Version (Skill Level 5):
    Streptocarpus: 78,54 %
    Wheat: 78,54 %
    Dusty: 78,54 %
    Mei: 78,54 %
    Kerria: 83,16 %

    Crit Squad Corn Cuckle/Christmas Rose Version (Skill Level 1 for all girls except Christmas Rose assuming Christmas Rose has Skill Level 5):
    Streptocarpus: 47,04 %
    Christmas Rose: 66,64 %
    Dusty: 47,04 %
    Mei: 50,96 %
    Corn Cuckle: 47,04 %

    Crit Squad Corn Cuckle/Christmas Rose Version (All Girls Skill Level 5):
    Strepto: 66,64 %
    Christmas Rose: 66,64 %
    Dusty: 66,64 %
    Mei: 66,64 %
    Corn Cuckle: 66,64 %

    Crit Squad Kerria/Christmas Rose Version (Christmas Rose Skill Level 5, rest Level 1):
    Strepto: 42,24 %
    Christmas Rose: 59,84 %
    Dusty: 42,24 %
    Mei: 45,76 %
    Kerria: 45,76 %

    Crit Squad Kerria/Christmas Rose Version (All Girls Skill Level 5):
    Strepto: 59,84 %
    Christmas Rose: 59,84 %
    Dusty: 59,84 %
    Mei: 59,84 %
    Kerria: 63,36 %
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-10-2018 at 06:54 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #145

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    Well yeah i was considering Pigmy chan

    but there are two problems I have with her.

    -NO skill activation. Like none at all.
    -Is a slash type. This goes against my policy of running one type of each girl.

    An argument could be made that I could swap either Mei or Corn Cockle for someone to make space for two Red girls instead of two Yellow ones, but... at that point we are talking about complete remodeling of the team, and thats not what I am going after.

    Srsly why the heck is Pigmy chan a Slash type... They really need to diversify the skillsets into other attack Types as well. There are 2 Purpler girls with crit only. 1 Blue with Evade, etc etc. Focus is one thing but you cant cut the other one completely. Well considering this team will be started after I am done with the first counter team, maybe some new Purple Crit. 6* will make an appearance.
    That or some purple Promoted girl will.
    Wish there was an item that would allow you to change one single ability of a girl into a completely different one (not all, coz then it would be OP as hell since you could min-max your ultimate setup.). Would change the one Detective chan has for skill. act based on affection.

  6. #146

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Wish there was an item that would allow you to change one single ability of a girl into a completely different one.
    This!!! I would also really love this. I hate it that i can't run Red Ginger in my Counter Squad because her +150 Speed Ability messes up the Speed Balance of my teams.

    I would also get rid of Viola's Solarblast Ability for something better.

    Btw. I added some data for you in the post above. Maybe it helps you a little bit.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #147

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    Wish there was an item that would allow you to change one single ability of a girl into a completely different one.
    If a such item exists it will be so broken.

    Replace Kerria's Def boost by skill activation based on skill level
    Replace Saffron useless 22% ATK by any kind of healing abilities (like Purslane Healing 25% of max HP every turn 30% of the time).
    Replace every counter girl offensive ability by 30% chance of healing each turn, evade or negate damage.
    Replace every less usefull abilities like healing on pests nest, ignores Speed-altering panels, shine crystal drop, etc with something more useful for the concerned girl (knowing girls with these kind of abilities already got great buff from evolved form to bloom form).

    A such item sounds like a nice dream but will ruin the gameand the identity of girls.
    Last edited by maotd; 05-10-2018 at 07:24 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
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  8. #148

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    Cool data, but you included Streptocarpus in all of them. Considering you suggest going with Pigmy chan I could use some with her as well

    But at that point I think it would have to be Pigmy and Xmas Rose, as after the first turn the skill act would plummet with Wheat, since Pigmy doesn't have skill act, so Xmass Rose would have to pull her weight as well with her more consistent skill activation.

  9. #149

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    yeah you can apply the same Skill Act. to Pigmy. Almost all of them have the exact same Skill Level anyway;D

    Yeah personally i would either go with:
    Pigmy, Christmas Rose, Mei, Dusty, Corn Cuckle
    or Pigmy, Wheat, Mei, Dusty, Corn Cuckle

    Since you want to finish your Counter Squads first there is a good chance that the Devs finally release a Crit Magic Type with Skill Act

    I think i will also make a second Crit Team.
    There are still some Crit Girls who have to be buffed so maybe there will also be potential in the future.
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-10-2018 at 07:42 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #150

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    Crit team is so popular with infinite potential to played around! But how long can they survive hard stage like Nidhogg? If not more than 3 turns I'll considered build a hybrid crit/nuke team. Many crit girls that have skill act usually have AOE skill and it's not really reliable in boss battle after all. Maybe those with 'sweeper' skill is really nice to messed around as well.

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