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  1. #181

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    Guys do any of you have Sleepy chan ?
    And if so, in what team types do you use her in ?
    *I dont have her, but have seen her used in several Helper squads and you guys have been mentioning her as well here and there so I became curious.

    Flower Knight Tactica-portrait_110407.png

    She doesn't have much of a personality - skill wise speaking - since her skillset makes her universal to any team, with forcing Weak onto enemy types, plus throwing skill activation into the mix (wish Pigmi chan had this, but then she would be really really OP ), rather than having one peculiar skill like Evade/Crit/Counter to which strength you wanna play and such dictates what type of teams she is most suited for.

  2. #182

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    Ahhhh.... gameee.... It's so brightttt..... toooooo brightttt.... ahhhh....

    **picture was recycle material**

    Oh that super broken debuff first team... so powerfulllllllll.......

    Ghost ; If play for 1 year you may got more.

    For sleepy-chan I have one rough idea.
    Just put her in same group with Hitsuji/Pygmy, they will pro duce a lot of weak point attack.
    Futher idea... none...

  3. #183

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    My idea for Sleepy-chan:

    I don't have Sleepy-chan.
    The only Weakness Damage Girls i have atm are Candytuft and Pumpkin Girl so take everything i say with a grain of salt.

    In my opinion she works really good in almost every team due to the fact that she buffs the damage potential of every team except solarblast.

    You could also create a Weakness Damage Team like this:

    http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Burning_Bush or http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Evergreen_Candytuft

    This team has a really good chance to give all your team mates all the Weakness Damage Buffs (RNG is still involved but your chances to get all Weakness Damage Buffs on every Team member is much higher due to the fact that you buff every Damage Type at least twice in this team).
    This Team also is a First Turn Squad which means it's not suited for long drawn out battles. Dusty Miller doesn't Buff Weakness Damage but she is a n1 finisher.

    There are a lot more ways to build a Weakness Damage Team. It's just my take on it

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #184

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    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    For sleepy-chan I have one rough idea.
    Just put her in same group with Hitsuji/Pygmy, they will pro duce a lot of weak point attack.
    Futher idea... none...
    But the question is - does Weak stack ?
    Because I think unlike Critical (Weak-Critical text when doing damage), Weak doesnt stack with Weak (Weak-Weak) At least I have never seen anything like that, so I am not really sure.
    If it stacks, it might be an idea, but if not, then I think one "Weak" type girl in a single unit is maximum.

  5. #185

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    No the 1,5x Weakness Multiplier doesn't stack. The more Weakness Type buffs you have the higher the chance every team member recive them.
    A pure Weakness Damage Team is not as potent as a Crit Team but still stronger than most other offensive Archetypes.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #186

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    Whoops, and just yesterday I played FGO newly released Rachomon event and tactica move quickly without me?

    @ghost I split Saffron and Nightmaher for 3 reasons. one is to spread firepower enough for all teams to clear their respective route in semi-hard stage like daily 800k+ stage. Next is the broken Aqua Sabouten use powerful single target attack. So just one girl with counter+dodge+provocation per team is suffice. Nightmaher in crit/nuke also allow couples of extra turn for Shiro-chan Christmas and Protea to bomb everything up as well. Shiro-chan in counter team might be out of place at a glance but together with Anemone they boost crit rate by 50% and crit damage for 80%. Saffron can breakthrough 50k+ counter damage and Anemone can bust through 150k+ per skill if lucky enough. The last is to organize team speed since Shiro-chan is much quicker than Nightmaher. Difference in speed between teams will be too great.

    @myrdin I and twilight use Pillow-chan. She's the best girl in exploit weakness for rainbow team, at least until Pygmy comes in. Just like wutan said, she fit into all kind of team and setup except solar drive. In my case I use her in debuff team to provide extra edge so they can hit hard as well as take little from enemies. My setup is in last page if you want reference. But knowing you, you won't have any interested in debuff team right?
    Last edited by game2534; 05-17-2018 at 09:43 AM.

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  7. #187

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    @game2534 (..... yeah I dont think the @on this board works like on others, meaning it doesnt tag/work at all )

    Which "last page" do you mean ? Id gladly take a look. I dont have a problem with Debuff girls, actually I want one in each of my Counter teams, to slightly buff the whole survival thing of the hedgehog turtle (insert obligatory Samurai face) tactic

    I would like to add Apple Tanabata to one of my Counter Teams, but the current one already has 2 magic girls (Soap chan And Helewaifu) so she s gonna go into the second one most likely.

    I mean look at this face ! Flower Knight Tactica-portrait_151909.png
    Everytime I see her It reminds me of this: Flower Knight Tactica-e75.jpg

    And since I am a big Warhammer fan, and tablet top gamer I just cant ignore this!

  8. #188

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Which "last page" do you mean ? Id gladly take a look. I dont have a problem with Debuff girls, actually I want one in each of my Counter teams, to slightly buff the whole survival thing of the hedgehog turtle (insert obligatory Samurai face) tactic
    Near the end of page 18, I post my team used to fight broken Sabouten and the first team is debuff. I'm pretty confident in their attack power as well as defense.

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    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  9. #189

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    I may say Sleepy-chan is more easy to use.
    She's fast, she has 1.2 activation.
    And still dev will buff her atk buff a bit in future.

    On the other hand, Sheep-chan Pygmy... something is a lot slower than sleepy-chan.
    Also she doesn't have 1.2 activation, that's mean you need some activation boost for her.
    And if you need her group to reach the destination first, speedy unit also need.

  10. #190

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    With 520 speed I don't think Pygmy Lily is a slow girl. A slow girl is slow around 300 or even less speed. For me, over 500 it's still an average speed. And a such girl don't really need speed support. Unless you're aiming for >700 speed.
    But it's only the thoughts of a guy using only teams with 500~600 speed.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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