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  1. #1

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    Iono got the short end of the stick in my opinion.

    The only buff she received is 10% Skill Damage for the whole team. Well that's not bad but an increased chance to attack again would have been much better.

    PS: Thanks,Myrdin

    Well originally i didn't want to purchase Crit Girls anymore cause i have a decent collection of them already but this new 6* is borderline OP for Crit Teams.
    Btw. her name is Streptocarpus. Just call her Sherlock-Chan
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-02-2018 at 02:58 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #2
    So I gotz 300+ rainbow coins now and a 5 star redeem ticket.

    I think continue to build counter team is good option. What is best counter girl 5 star and 6 star? From my conversation with Maotd a while back, if I choose Safforn Rainbow and Pink Miko ver., those would be good choices?

    Current Team:
    Rosy Lily
    Fire Lily
    Mountain Lily

    Whoever 5 and 6 star, replace new girls and oust Fire Lily and 1 more (maybe Rose...?) And then should I use all my equip. flowers on Safforn and maybe Pink? Thanks guys!

    DMM ID: 838832909

  3. #3

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    Pink miko is the best. Another example of her poer, my Gold Counter team (Pink Miko+Mountain Lily+Poppy+Tartarian Aster) + Easter Cactus killded all the Nidhogg bosses on the first day (the others days they don't do their job but it's because bosses are broken with heal and ATK boost).
    I guess Saffron+Pink Miko is a solid choice. Anyway, Saffron is just top tier among the Rainbows and Pink Miko is a top tier Gold.
    I don't remember who said that but if we had tier rank from S-tier to D/E tier, Saffron will be S-tier, like Kerria. And Pink Miko will be S-tier too (she is even better than some 6* in term of abilities).

    And she is not even a waifu (actually she is just abattle waifu due to her power).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    So I gotz 300+ rainbow coins now and a 5 star redeem ticket.

    I think continue to build counter team is good option. What is best counter girl 5 star and 6 star? From my conversation with Maotd a while back, if I choose Safforn Rainbow and Pink Miko ver., those would be good choices?

    Current Team:
    Rosy Lily
    Fire Lily
    Mountain Lily

    Whoever 5 and 6 star, replace new girls and oust Fire Lily and 1 more (maybe Rose...?) And then should I use all my equip. flowers on Safforn and maybe Pink? Thanks guys!
    If you actually want to create solid counter team, considered drop at least 1 dressbloom on Saffron if you have any. Equip ring and bracelet as usual but focus on defense since Saffron has AOE skill. Her main source of damage will come from counter. (My Saffron can crit-weakness counter for 40k while skill usually goes around 25-30k)
    For Pink Miko it's much easier to get at least dressbloom or even dupe. But for a girl with such obvious geared to survival like her I suspect that her rarity growth might be extremely broken. If she happened to get dodge once growth, she will outdone even Saffron in both tanking and damaging. Paired with Pheonix-chan and you will get one hella scary girl. A downside is that her artist seems to sold his/her soul to another game and we might not see her bloomed picture anytime soon. (Both 6* and 5*)

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    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  5. #5

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    Boss killer setup is the pain for me because there are too many options to choose and just like crit team, it followed 'I kill you before you kill me' which is common meta for games nowadays. It's not bad on its own but as I said in main forum, you need lots of investments for them to be viable in broken map like in niconico video shown. Will give more opinions when I got time.

    The general idea is what unregistered said, combine flat atk boost and damage boost to get highest damage. I think 2:3 ratio is the best but don't neglect skill act as usual. If you have Rainbow Lantana try slot in her in another team to increase skill act when catching a node. This team shine the most with one team dedicate as support just like how Dogwood atk boost would work the fullest with one girl as shine crystal node ability.
    Last edited by game2534; 05-26-2018 at 09:44 PM.

  6. #6

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    Well then its a good thing I made a list of the girls to make it more easier ey ?

    For what unregistered said - he neglectes the fact that every single 6* girl on the list (and pretty every single 6* in general) does have a DMG buff of her own - You know the basic +15%/20%. That means with 5 girls you are getting somewhere between 75%-125% raw damage buff, before all the other Boss killing buffs are applied.

    As for the setup I have in mind, 3 of the girls are the same as the ones used in the video in Chit chat - granted I think those were maxed out in everything - Whale level: Maximum. So just basic 1 equip slot 5/5 skill and ampys is the most I am looking at. Still I think the setup presented by that person was pretty good, though I personally would replace Mei/Cactus with Pink Ladies, and Blood Iris but the rest of the setup seems pretty solid.

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post

    She has both critical rate + critical damage up.
    Is that so? My mistake, I think she's similar to Kuroyuri.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Is that so? My mistake, I think she's similar to Kuroyuri.
    Yeah, and funnily enough, I did mention Kuroyuri the other day on the chat thread in response to questions about her abilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post
    Hate to break it to you, but the pre-reg girl (named Colchicum) is almost like Chocolate Lily (minus her unique attack up) in terms of abilities.
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  9. #9

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    Yeah, I read your comment and misread the part that she buff crit damage too. She seems fine yet pretty vanilla.

  10. #10

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    Yeah if you go to the Chitchat thread, you can see me dissecting her a little bit according to what intel I got fro Kurenai.

    She is pretty solid girl B/C tier girl as she is. Plus most likely than not she will be a magic type if the artwork is to hint at anything, thus her value increases to a solid B simply by the fact that despite her skillset archetype she is in the unit type that has very only a handful of girls with that mentioned archetype.

    So yeah, she could work well for Ninjax, but personally by that point the team theme is getting a bit convoluted and a complete restructuralization should be considered.

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