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  1. #191

    Join Date
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    My first 4 group have 615 speed on average.
    So... just like you said.

  2. #192

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Items User Name Style ChangeUser Name Style Change
    Exactly I'm at 591/524/528/521 speed for my current main team.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #193

    Join Date
    May 2016
    So lets start a new Tactica topic:

    Inspired by a video a saw where a single Team literally rap*d Nidhorog Kun in all 3 forms I decided to, just how I always do, Run through ALL the 6* (non promoted. There are some sick promo Boss killer ladies but we`ll get to them later.) Who have any sort of "Boss Fights" or "against Boss" ability damage buff.

    For those who dont know my style of quick writing, here is a little guid:
    First letter is the type of the girls > M. Magic, B. Blunt, P. Pierce, S. Slash
    The skills are written in shortcuts generally you can guess what they do, but just for quick reference.
    Dmg - Damage Buff for part. / Self - if for the girl only
    Debuff - some sort of debuff
    Boss Fight - damage for the party in boss fight
    Boss - damage against the Boss only
    Skill act. Skill dmg - Skill activation (doesnt matter what values), Skill damage buff
    1st - buffs that apply only in the first turn of combat
    Aftershock - Only for Liverworth - its a bonus 20% damage from TP after all attacks have been made.
    Panels - Buffing/Healing when stepping on a special Panel, be it Pest node panel or Rainbow panel
    Dmg by enemy - Damage increased by the number of enemies - either alive or current

    The last infor is type of attack and the damage multiplier for the special attack.
    AoE 2.2/2.4 - hits all enemies on screen for 2.2/2.4 damage
    3x1.8 - hits random enemy 3 times for 1.8 damage
    Single - Hits one enemy for XYZ damage
    2x3.6 - Only Cherry > Hits 2 enemies for 3.6

    the % values are dmg in Boss Fights and vs Bosses. Its in order to the listed abylities, but the text got the spacing removed. Despite that I want to keep it separated for easier Math counting.

    So here is the list of the girls, with relevant shortcuts:

    M. Sakura Dmg, Skill act, Boss fight, vs BS Single 5.2
    35% 12%
    B. Peach Blossom Crit,Critdmg, Guts, Dmg, Boss fight, Bos 1x4.2-4.8 (affection)
    15% 8%
    B. Chery Dmg, Debuff, Boss fight 3, Boss 3 2x3.6
    40% 18%
    S. Pink (Dianthus) Dmg, skill act, Heal Node, Boss fight, Boss AoE 2.4
    20% 15%
    M. Helenium Dmg, Dmg, skill act, Counter, Guts, Boss AoE 2.2
    B. Pumpkin Dmg, Weak M., Boss, skil act, Evade AoE 2.2
    S. Serisa Skill act, Dmg, Boss fight, Evade AoE 2.2
    B. Viola yukata Dmg, skill act, Boss fight, SB, Counter AoE 2.2
    B. Ivy New year Skill Dmg, Debuff, Dmg, Boss AoE 2.2
    M. Lotus Debuff, Boss, Dmg, Weak P. AoE 2.2
    S. Lantana festival Rainbow Panels, Dmg, Evade, Boss fight 3x1.8
    P. Chestnut Debuff, dmg, Weak B, Boss fight AoE 2.2
    S. Liverworth Dmg self, Aftershock, Dmg, Boss Fight 3x1.8
    M. Catleya Radiant Boss, skill act 1st, dmg, dmg by enemy numb. AoE 2.4
    S. Easter Cactus Ressurect, Dmg, Skill act, Boss fight AoE 2.2
    S. Pink Ladies Skill act 1st, Dmg, Boss Fight, Boss Single 4.7, 2x2.7, 3x2
    25% 12%
    M. Chlorantis ReAct 100%, dmg, Skill act 1st 2x self, Boss 3x1.8
    B. Edelweis Boss, Dm, Skill dmg, Skill act 3x.1.8
    M. Jap. Anemone Dmg 1st, Skill act 1st, dmg, Boss fight AoE 2.2
    M. Lavender Skill act, dmg, Debuff, Boss 3x.1.8
    M. Trailing Abu Sport Dmg per enemies, Skill act, Skill dmg, Boss fight Single 5.2
    P. Corn Cockle Crit 100% + Dmg self, Dmg, Skill act, Boss 3x1.8
    M. Camelia Vabisuke Dmg, Skill act 1st, Boss fight, Boss AoE 2.2
    20% 15%

    Part 1 end.
    Part 2 will be about promo girls and possible setups I have thought off and want to hear your opinion on
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-25-2018 at 03:42 AM.

  4. #194

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Part 2
    Promoted Girls. Since there are not that many as of yet the list is shorter. But still there is plenty to choose from. Some of which are absolute prime candidates for this as they have either huge skillset, or massive anti Boss buffs.

    Now what you might notice is that the Ultimate skill is pretty bad. I am not sure if Promoted girls keep their own Ult. damage without increase and thats why their passive abilities are often so amazing, or if this simply is not written in the Wiki, but after promotion their Active skill (Ultimate) is also buffed.

    P. Anemiko Skill act, Dmg, Evade, Boss Aoe 1.7
    S. Azuki Bean Dmg, Skill act, Dmg, Boss AoE 1.7
    P. Blood Iris Dmg, Dmg 2+self, Boss fight, Boss 2+self, Guts, Counter 2x2
    30% 30%
    M. Coral Bush Bride Dmg, SolB, Light G, Boss, Shine Cryst 2x2
    M. Cyclamen Radiant Skill act, Dmg, Boss, Boss self, Boss Fight, Boss Fight self AoE 1.7
    12% 20% 18% 25%
    B. Dalmatian Bell Debuff, Dmg Evade, Boss fight Single 2.4+lifedrain
    S. Onci bonci Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight, Team Speed buff, Boss Single 2.4+lifedrain
    25% 15%
    P. Golden Lily Dmg, Guts, Counter, Boss, Boss fight Single 2.3
    15% 20%
    P. Hare`s Ear Aftershock, Dmg, Re-act, Boss 3x1.4
    S. Moth Orchid Guts, Dmg, Boss, Counter, Aftershock Single 1.8
    M. Pickerel Weed Dmg, Skill act, Boss, Dmg self, Boss self Single 2.4, 2x1.8 ,AoE 1.4
    15% 35%
    B. Rough Potato Dmg, Skill act, Weak P., Boss AoE 1.7
    P. Saffron Xmass Skill act, Dmg, Re-act, Evade, Boss fight 3x1.4

    Blood Iris is downright broken with he skillset, like this girl throws all balance out of the window with just how insane she is. This is why I dont like Promoted girls so much because its a fucking power creep like hell. She is downright better than MANY actual native 6* out there. Amazing chocie for a Boss Killer or Counter team.
    Other Top choice here is Cyclamen radiant Bride. All her skills are pretty much made for one and only thing and thats Boss killing.
    At least thats what you would think. But for some reason they decided to give her a shitty AoE skill, so all that beefy anti boss damage will be like a slap in the face when compared to some other girls who hit wih 3x1.8 or Single 4-5 modifiers

    Next I will post the actual possible setups.

  5. #195

    Join Date
    May 2016
    So with all that written and said, here is what I was thinking about

    Sakura(6*), , Pink Ladies (6*), Blood Iris (Promo), Edelweis (6*),

    For the alst spot I was considering one of these:
    Oncidium (Promo) - Onci brings in more skill activation and buffs both Boss Fight and vs Boss dmg which is always great for this team.
    Cyclamen Radiant (Promo) - Her whole kit is build around killing bosses. She buffs her team and then she buffs herself. To bad she has AoE and not a single attack type which feels like the biggest downside to her. She has both Anti boss buffs which makes her great. With her own self buffs that weak AoE can actually get to pretty high damage values if you factor in all the additional buffs in the party making it effectively around 4-5x for herself despite being an AoE.
    Cherry (6*) - adds more debuff, has a mini AoE vs2 of 3,6 which is pretty good for single target hit as well, buff herself and only 2 more girls but with pretty high % to make up for it and also has both of the buffs so it evens out.
    Liverworth (6*) - Liverworth has only Boss fight buff, but its twice the usual of girls who have both for the whole party. She also deals aftershock damage as a little extra and has a 3x1.8 skill which is pretty nice.
    Kerria (6*) ... coz, she is Kerria
    Trailing Abu Sport (6*) - This girls doesnt seem that strong at first glance, but has a 5.2 ultimate multyplier which makes her into a second Sakura. Also comes with Skilla activation and buffs Skill damage which is also nice. She does pay for it with adding only one type of Anti Boss buff, but it does even out simply by the damage she brings in.

    The first 4 girls have pretty massive damage potential in between all of them. There is some skill activation to help out, and a bit of AoE, but mostly the skill set is one which buffs both Boss Fight dmg and against Bosses, meaning that those two stack onto each other, plus your normal damage buffs.
    For the last spot I have yet to decide whom to take but there are multiple options to play around with.
    What do you guys think about it ?
    The fact that one of the most powerful girls in the setup is a Promo girls makes it slightly easier to get the team togather (still not easy I mean at least 3 others are regular 6* so thats the long game setup) plus depending on the pick the last one might also be a promo girl.
    Overall as far as killing bosses this setup seems pretty powerful at first glance. There is some limited AoE to deal with trash mobs before getting to the boss.

  6. #196
    Unregistered Guest
    You're equating attack and damage buffs. Stop that.

  7. #197

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You're equating attack and damage buffs. Stop that.
    No idea what you are talking about. Extrapolate if possible so I can understand what you mean.

  8. #198
    Unregistered Guest
    Most characters have attack buffs which are all added together. The comparatively rare damage buffs are separate multipliers applied at some later point in the calculations. The higher your total attack buff is, the more effective a damage buff is and the less significant another attack buff becomes.

  9. #199

    Join Date
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    Ummmmm.... first I study in debuff unit, now boss buff unit....
    My head spinning.

  10. #200

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Boss killer setup is the pain for me because there are too many options to choose and just like crit team, it followed 'I kill you before you kill me' which is common meta for games nowadays. It's not bad on its own but as I said in main forum, you need lots of investments for them to be viable in broken map like in niconico video shown. Will give more opinions when I got time.

    The general idea is what unregistered said, combine flat atk boost and damage boost to get highest damage. I think 2:3 ratio is the best but don't neglect skill act as usual. If you have Rainbow Lantana try slot in her in another team to increase skill act when catching a node. This team shine the most with one team dedicate as support just like how Dogwood atk boost would work the fullest with one girl as shine crystal node ability.
    Last edited by game2534; 05-26-2018 at 09:44 PM.

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