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  1. #201

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Well then its a good thing I made a list of the girls to make it more easier ey ?

    For what unregistered said - he neglectes the fact that every single 6* girl on the list (and pretty every single 6* in general) does have a DMG buff of her own - You know the basic +15%/20%. That means with 5 girls you are getting somewhere between 75%-125% raw damage buff, before all the other Boss killing buffs are applied.

    As for the setup I have in mind, 3 of the girls are the same as the ones used in the video in Chit chat - granted I think those were maxed out in everything - Whale level: Maximum. So just basic 1 equip slot 5/5 skill and ampys is the most I am looking at. Still I think the setup presented by that person was pretty good, though I personally would replace Mei/Cactus with Pink Ladies, and Blood Iris but the rest of the setup seems pretty solid.

  2. #202

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I am not sure if Promoted girls keep their own Ult. damage without increase and thats why their passive abilities are often so amazing, or if this simply is not written in the Wiki, but after promotion their Active skill (Ultimate) is also buffed.
    Promotion also upgrades one's skill. For example, Adenium's single-target no-drain skill with x2.4 damage (30% proc rate at skill level 5) will be upgraded to an HP drain skill with x4.3 damage (36% proc rate at skill level 5) after Promotion. None of the Wiki admins has yet to work on a code that will auto-generate such data though; hence the lack of data on character pages.

    Nevertheless, HydroKirby made Comprehensive Knight List that reflects an eligible character's skill, stats, and abilities as if she has been promoted.
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  3. #203

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    Since game requested it here is a loose comparison between Red Ginger and Kerria against the current Lvl 90 (18mil HP) Raid Boss.

    Keep in Mind: My Kerria has Skill Level 5 and 4 Equipment slots with much better Equipment than Red Ginger. I didn't feed Kerria any ampules yet. So take everything written here with a grain of salt.

    However overall i think even if Kerria didn't have the Skill and especially Equipment Slot Boni she still would have performed better than Red Ginger cause Kerria has dodge and her once unique Ability (More HP=More Damage).

    We will test both girls in the same Debuff Team.

    Red Ginger Variant:

    Total Power



    Promotion Abilities


    Selection Screen

    Battle Start

    Battle End

    Kerria Variant:

    Total Power



    Promotion Abilities


    Selection Screen

    Battle Start

    Battle End

    Kerria survived the boss and the battle ended after 9368046 damage. Red Ginger and the others fainted after 4 million damage.

    I don't know if Red Ginger would have survived if she had 5 Skill Levels and 4 Equipment Slots.

    Kerria's dodge and her once unique Ability (More HP=More Damage) are two of the reasons she is pretty much invincible. Sadly Red Ginger doesn't have access to those Abilities so i overall think A-Tier is fair for her.

    Judge for yourself, guys
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-06-2018 at 07:41 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #204

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    Kerria is OP and I want her more than ever now.
    I guess a debuff team is maybe not the best for Red Ginger. To use her skill at full power she needs to be with as much as possible skill act girls.

    Thanks for the experience.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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  5. #205

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Good to see result from person with her in the team, note that I didn't request this to diss on Red Ginger. Shad's Red Ginger should be stronger sine she's his waifu but under the different team, I wonder how well she can perform.

    @Wutan can you do this again but this time, use only 1 equipment? It should narrow the gap down a bit more.
    Last edited by game2534; 06-06-2018 at 08:13 AM.

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  6. #206

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    Yep, no problem.

    I have to wait a little bit though. Atm. i have no Raid Points left.

    I will write the 1 Equipment version in 1 hour or so.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #207

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    Ok i did it. Kerria 1 Equipment version. I used the same Equipment Red Ginger was wearing.


    Selection Screen

    Battle Start

    Battle End

    Kerria's damage output was lowered significantly but she survived none the less. Battle ended after around 6 million damage. She would have killed that boss easily if the fight didn't end automatically...
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-06-2018 at 09:21 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #208
    Sorry for the delay all. Not feeling so hot right now. Also had a hard time finding the required RB as not to many people appear to be spawning them at this moment. Found an opportunity finally and hit it with 1 raid point with just my normal team that I didn't really consider optimization.

    I'll work on seeing if there are other rainbows I have that can work to possibly better optimizing RG. Here's what I have in case you all see a combination you think you'd like to see results on.

    Flower Knight Tactica-rainbows1.png
    **Last 2 just offscreen are Alstroemeria Anniversary and Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Fos)

    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  9. #209
    I've tried a few different combinations but none of really come close to the result above. Of course, I may not be thinking straight since I'm under the weather. Sorry all.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  10. #210

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    No need to apologize. I assume it's really hot where you life?

    You could maybe try: Ivy, Foxy (miko), Onci (Bride), Easter Cactus and RG.

    That would be 50 % Debuff and a resurrect/heal of phoenix-chan.

    Don't know how good it is but you could test it.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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