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  1. #221

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Damn it you guys ! ><

    You really are tempting me with this Kerria Debuff stuff grrr...
    I was thinking of making my last team a Re-act team (Wutan patented double strike :P ) since that type of setup is pretty damn fun in my oppinion.
    Definitely can build a cool team like that, but on the other side, Kerria is so badly broken that not running her seems like I am deliberately debuffing myself >_>

  2. #222
    Aconite seems like a pretty good girl with her skills/abilities to have. Shame there is no easy way for us to get access to buying the code. Even if it's not much, I can't in good conscious buy a product that I won't be able to read. Will just have to keep thinking about if and when I use my RCs for now.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  3. #223

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    At this rate i think all of us forumers will have Kerria in their roster XD

    I would be interesting to see your take on a Re-act team though. Especially in terms of Rarity Growth.
    Protea seems like the best choice.


    I think Kurenai knows how we could get our hands on her.

    He once messaged me that one of his countrymen bought a lot of these codes and they are sold out atm.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #224
    Thanks Wutan and all for your input. And yeah, it's REALLY tempting to stack all them "4.3x to 1 enemy / absorb HP" all in one team O_O

    What one team was Kerria debuff, and one team is (for example) Rainbow Rose featured critical? Would you say separating the girls like this would be more effective than shoving them all in one team?

    And what about healing girls in these teams, whether be E. Cactus, Adenium, etc., would it be worth it to switch one slot for one of these girls?

    DMM ID: 838832909

  5. #225

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    Kerria, Kerria, Kerria everywhere for everyone
    So, mine on Nutaku 'cause I still can't have her on DMM.
    Flower Knight Tactica-nutakukerria-54a8612.jpg
    I love her so much :3

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #226

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    Thanks Wutan and all for your input. And yeah, it's REALLY tempting to stack all them "4.3x to 1 enemy / absorb HP" all in one team O_O

    What one team was Kerria debuff, and one team is (for example) Rainbow Rose featured critical? Would you say separating the girls like this would be more effective than shoving them all in one team?

    And what about healing girls in these teams, whether be E. Cactus, Adenium, etc., would it be worth it to switch one slot for one of these girls?
    I didn't test an Easter Cactus Debuff Setup yet cause she is in my Counter Team. Don't know yet.

    You could either run a full fletched HP Absorb Squad (like the one in Allocers video) including Kerria and Rainbow Rose or two seperate Teams.
    One Crit, One Debuff.
    Personally i run Kerria in Debuff and Rainbow Rose in my Crit Squad.

    I would show it to you but my Final Team isn't being finished (and i don't like posting unfinished stuff xd). I still miss 6 members and i hope i can acquire them until the end of this year.


    I would like to hear your opinion about this.

    My Final Counter Team will look like this (still missing Anemone but i should get her soon):

    Saffron with Provoke and the Main Damage Dealer here.
    Easter Cactus for Revive Shenanigans.
    Helenium is one of the best Counter Girls out there. I mean she has Supercounter, Skill Act, Boss Damage, nice Attack Buffs, Defense Buff, Guts, good stats.
    Anemone gives the Team Crit and also counters for a lot of Damage.
    Peony cause she buffs the Critical chance/Crit Damage of Counter even more. It also helps that she is pseudo tanky as well cause she has well balanced stats and more importantly she has Evasion.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-17-2018 at 04:39 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #227
    Wutan: You won't have Nightmaher (counter, evade, skill act., and something..) instead of Anemone? Just wondering. And how much damage output atm with that counter set-up? Looks great w/ E. Cactus and Safforn combo, I wanna try in future if E. Cactus ever becomes priority in gatcha.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  8. #228

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    Good Suggestion. Nightmaher works too. I also thought about it but there are three reasons i prefer Anemone.

    1. I want at least one girl in each Squad with SingleTargetDamage or Multiple Random Hits like Anemone. Just to deal a little bit more Damage to a boss in Player Phase.
    2. She buffs the Damage output of all Counterattacks considerably.
    3. I like her more in terms of waifuism and looks compared to Nightmaher. Also Anemone's Skill Animation is dope

    But yeah Nightmaher definetely would work as well. It's the more defensive option.

    Anemone is more offensive and just personal preference for me i guess.

    Maybe you can snag Easter Cactus through her future Blooming Gacha. That shouldn't be to far away in the future.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-18-2018 at 12:53 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #229

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    I have Nightmaher and let me tell you - she can, and does pull her weight. Her skill set is very well put togather, she has all the right tools for the job, and many times she was the last girl standing in her team chipping at the Boss until she took it down. Granted Anewaifu is always a solid choice for counter, although with the changes to her it seems they are trying hard to push her into the Crit department.

  10. #230

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    Yep she is a good unit. No doubt about it.

    Imo i just prefer the offensive option cause i still don't know if Saffron should get all my future Dressblooms or Rainbow Rose.

    If Saffron gets them i think Nightmaher would be the better choice cause with Dressblooms i buff Saffrons Damage Output anyway and i don't need Anemones Damage Buff that much.

    If i decide to give all my Dressblooms Rainbow Rose i think Anemone is the better choice cause i have to buff Saffrons damage with another method due to the fact that she has no Equipment Slots available.

    Normally i would say Saffron has more use for Equipment Slots but i am really curious to see how much destruction Rainbow Rose can cause if she is fully maxed.

    It sucks that we don't have other methods to get equipment slots other than the rare "Dressbloom Deal"

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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