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  1. #241

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    I also thought about my Final Debuff Team the last few days. Since i got a lot of Debuff Girls via luck i won't change the team that much anymore.

    I will probably use:

    Foxy (miko)

    That Team would give me x1,76 Skill Act, 65% Debuff, Two Girls with life leech and another Dodge Girl in form of Golden Lace. Golden Lace could especially come in handy for those Aqua Shadow Maps where Single Target Nukers (Mei/Ume and Sakura) are present.

    The drawback of that team: Only two Elements.

    Only Girl missing: Aconite

    I would love if they make her available via exchange shop in the near future...
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-23-2018 at 07:22 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #242

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    I would love if they make her available via exchange shop in the near future...
    I'm pretty sure they will not, unless the book wasnot sold anymore. If I'm right, the only girls in the exchange shop are girls from comiket and Anry from a crossover mission between FGK and Girls Symphony (game currently dead and that's why we have Anry in the shop). If a girl is available with any other way, she will not be in the shop. At least, if they don't change anything about that...
    Sorry if I broke your dreams but... you should know.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #243

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    Why are you stepping on my dreams though? You are heartless

    Just Kidding
    Yeah i know. It was wishfull thinking. Maybe i will order the light novel containing her code (for a decent price that is).

    I will probably end up waiting for another decent Debuff Girl Promotion. The girl needs to have Skill.Act, 15-20%Debuff, preferably Pierce Type (then i could use a team with cherry and have all types in one team) and dodge.

    After we have got so many good promotions i think a girl with such a Skillset would be quite possible

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #244

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    Can you not use a 5K DMM ticket to get her ?
    I know that we can exchange it for 5* as well. And since you paid 5K DMM points she should be available, no ?

  5. #245

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    I never looked at the 5* when i purchased 6* for 5000 DMM Points.

    I don't think you can choose her from there. Considering she is only a 5* Event and i would have to promote her they would make a good deal though. Maybe they should consider that ;D

    I don't know if i would purchase her for 5000 DMM Points. She would be good for the team but for such an investment a girl has to be a waifu.

    Maybe we will get a good Rarity promotion for Debuff archetype soon cause Debuff is the archetype which is currently underrepresented in terms of Promotions.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #246

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    I'm sorry Wutan. But I did it for you. You must not live in that sweet illusion and face the cruel and terrible world where Aconite is a promo girl.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #247

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    Thanks for bursting the bubble and show me the truth, mate

    I shall embrace the challenge building a good Debuff Team without Aconite then.
    I will not hesitate and I will not fail

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #248

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    Some clarifications after reading posts re: Solar Drive/Hanamizuki on the tier list thread:

    Wutan: Solar Drive damage still takes the enemy's defense into account in its formula, as seen here. I have this half-assed Solar Drive party which seems to deal more damage to, say, event stage bosses than to EX-tier bosses on steroids when firing Solar Drive at 300% gauge level. I affirm that enemy defense has something to do with this.

    maotd: Indeed, Solar Drive Up isn't like most passives; it stacks in a multiplicative manner. That said, in a lineup of 5 bloomed rainbows, each with 70% Solar Drive Up, the raw multiplier is computed like this (with a little help from my friend Microsoft Excel):

    x = [(1 + A)*(1 + B)*(1 + C)*(1 + D)*(1 + E)] – 1
    A, B, C, D, and E correspond to the party members' Solar Drive boosts.

    Given that all of the members in the above example have 70% Solar Drive Up:
    x = [(1 + 0.70)*(1 + 0.70)*(1 + 0.70)*(1 + 0.70)*(1 + 0.70)] – 1
    x = [(1 + 0.70)^5] – 1
    x = [1.70^5] – 1
    x = ~14.20 – 1
    x = ~13.20

    Multiply that by 100 to get 1320%, which is the maximum boost for Solar Drive (sans the boost from Light Gauge). I was able to confirm the said value upon watching Aqua Shadow gameplay videos from some Japanese whales where parties with 1320% Solar Drive damage took half of Mizukage Sakura and Ume's HP, just like in Wutan's screenshot.
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  9. #249

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  10. #250

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    Thank you for clearyfying that
    I hate it to accidentally spread misinformation.
    So Counter is the only archetype which ignores defense then?
    I will reevaluate my vote then and change some things.

    But to be honest since SB still does a lot of damage without massive commitment like other archetypes (spending Equipment Flowers and Ampules) and is a godsend on Whaleship Battles which clearly belongs to the harder maps in the game i think i will still stand by my S-Tier Vote for now.

    I just think for occasional spenders like us SB is just really really valuable cause Damage isn't dependant on stats . For Whales it's a different story cause they just spend an insane amount of bucks to get all the Equipment Slots they want but for us that's never gonna happen.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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