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  1. #321

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    I use her because I have her and no other debuff girl with skill act. I build with what I have or can have. The best choice would be Promoted White Tulip but I don't have enough Rainbow Shards and I have more important girls on my promotion wish-list
    I want to use Red Spider Lily Miko instead but I'm waiting for a gacha with her.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #322

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    Hopefully she will get buffed at some point. If her debuff affected all enemies she could actually be good. 1.2 Skill Act gives around 5% skill chance, and Peony has a total of up to 80% Attack buff. In the end Kerria hits less often, but when she does, it hurts a lot more. And then she can also crit.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  3. #323

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    -maotd use a Phoenix Down on Tactica.
    -Tactica revives.

    I need adivces. Here's my Crit Team:

    I want to build a WeakXCrit team with the 5th slot and I don't know who I should pick. The two possible girls are Fennel Hotspring or Pygmy Lily. I don't think Sensitive Plant is a good option since the others two fit better with my needs.

    First, Pygmy Lily has the good combo of Crit+Weakness and should be the best choice. But she don't have Skill act. She would also be the only Slice on the team and her Pierce Weakness is already covered by Kugaisou. And, if the extra Crit Damage is good for RRose, the extra Crit Rate is useless since RRose has already 80% on that team.

    On the other hand, Fennel. She don't have Crit stuff. So, less Crit activation and Crit damages for the team. But she has skill act. With that, the team is over 90% skill chance on turn one. More than enough to see everyone skill on turn 1. The other good thing compared to Pygmy Lily is her Weakness ability. She gives Slice, Hit and Magic. The missing Pierce is covered by Kugaisou.

    With Pygmy Lily, the team will have a better Crit Rate and damages buff with a nice +45% ATK buff. For weakness (after buff and considering girls attribute), it will be 1 Slice, 5 Pierce, 5 Hit and 5 Magic. For skill rate it will be arround 85%.
    The lack of Slice is annoying but it's balanced with my Evasion team based on Kerria+promoted Pinkladies+Camelia.

    With Fennel, no Crit buff and more chance to see no Crit on the team except RRose. For skill rate, it will be arround 93%. For weakness, it will be 3 Slice, 4 Pierce, 5 Hit and 5 Magic.
    It's more interesting for skill act and more balanced for Weakness. But a a bit less good for Crit...

    What do you think about it guys? I know you are expert on Crit team for most of you.

    PS: I don't have Fennel or Pygmy Lily if you ask, that's why I wonder who could be better...

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #324
    Unregistered Guest
    Does Rainbow Rose really belong on a full crit team? She provides little for the rest of the team and only needs +30% chance herself. I would think she gains more from various attack and damage buffs than from increasing her already stellar crit damage modifier.

  5. #325

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    With her in that team I can do over 2M damages. I guess she have her place more than any other girls.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #326

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Since you are going with full team crit with RR, Pygmy is the way to go imho.
    Wheat should easily pick up that lack of skill.
    I really wish I had her and I will someday, have bigger needs at present.

    It will be awhile before I get RR a RG and I am going for skill act and skill damage at 30% crit, so it will be Sensitive Plant for me.

    Onci Blue, Alstromeria(someday Wheat), Sensitive Plant, Water Lilly bride, RR(your next) is my plan
    Last edited by phob; 03-10-2019 at 03:42 PM.

  7. #327

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    Hard to pick one.
    Pigmy has less damage potential, but she's more consistent. While weakness multiplier is better that Pygmy's buff, 45% is still... well, 45%. That's a lot. And extra crit for everyone is always nice, since RR is not the only one dealing damage in this team.
    Fennel can really pump these numbers with 1.5 multiplier applied after crit damage, but on whaleship crystal/Nidhogg/other type-less bosses she pretty much becomes an overstatted 5*.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  8. #328

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    You want Pigmy, and ideally someone who has higher then the usual 1.2 Skill act. to cover up for her.
    Honestly though, lacking just one skill act out of 5 is no that horrible if all the girls have Lvl 5 skill chances going for them.

  9. #329

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    Mar 2018
    I just bought the [+Crit DMG] ability and I've never really looked into promotion abilities, so I'm not sure who to give what.

    Regarding my team, should I give [+Crit DMG] to all my Knights and replace [+Atk on 1st turn]? (that's what they all have equipped atm). Kugaisou and Colchicum grant Crit DMG and Crit chance so I thought it'd be a good idea.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  10. #330

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    I think you should aim for the +weakness damages in priority. then, out your second Fennel in a full rainbow team and give them all that ability. You really whant it for your 1st team.

    But you can give it to your girls now ad until you got something better. For me the only 3 must have abilities are: Provocation for strong evade(+counter) girls, Healing Boost for girls with leech life skills and weakness damages for almost every remaning rainbows (especially if you can stack multiple weakness like you).
    For my 5* I mostly use +ATK turn 1. On hard map they will not stay more than that anyway. On easy maps, pests will be sweeped in 1 turn too.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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