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  1. #341

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    All Rainbow are good but
    Crit and Weakness makes the strongest team
    You have Colchicum, Kugaisou for a good start 45%
    The easiest thing to choose is Japanese Apricot to bring you to 75% and save your RG stones.
    use your Lotus Bride and add 5* Cymbidium with no RG and use her until you get a rainbow 1.65.
    That would make a pretty strong team now.

    Look to get Weakness support (Pygmy/Sensitive Plant/Fennel yukata)
    and as you get more crit girls you can use Ume with Rainbow Rose when the day comes you get her.

  2. #342

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    Yep, Kerria is still a very good girl. She just have some troubles with some extremly strong bosses but that's because thay are desinged to handle thoses kind of girls able to handle a boss by herselves.

    Right now, you don't have that many teams options but if you want to strat the higher difficulty content, you may want to take the Crit way. You already have 2 Crit girls and Crit team is the more effective team type right now. The tendendy is to kill before you will be killed (or in another words, kill before the pest can act and sweep your team).

    For me, 5 rainbows is still a bit not enough for higher level. With that, you can certainly do the daily Ultimate Missions. The needed total power is a good indicator. Just remember that, total power for Ultimate Missions count your TP and the helper team TP (that why it needs over 700 TP but is doable with less than 600k).

    Edit: And what's about promoted girls? With all the 22X promotion gacha giving 110 free Rainbows Shards, you should be able to promote a girl now.
    Last edited by maotd; 08-02-2019 at 01:48 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #343

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
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    I'm in a similar situation (aiming to beat higher difficulty stages, anything over 500k at the moment) and for the time being I only have six rainbows to work with. I've been running a page that has June Bride Lotus, Kugaisou, Colchicum, RG Black Locust/Robinia and Ghost Weed as the lead squad, but past that I only have Mei (who isn't bloomed yet) and a bunch of bloomed/evolved 5* gacha Knights.

    That lead squad gives me +70% crit chance, +100% crit damage and 1.9x skill proc rate (Robinia's at skill level 2 so she adds 1.3x) along with a mish-mash of other useful bonuses (+attack power in general, +damage dealt to bosses, +attack power against bosses, bonus damage with solar bursts, Ghost Weed and Kugaisou combined guarantee that all Knights in the same squad as them will deal bonus damage to pierce pests, small heals and up to +30% attack power depending on how many pest nests the squad busts).

    I only have 280 RG crystals at the moment since I upgraded Robinia to a 6* so I won't be able to upgrade someone else any time soon. Maybe by the time I have enough crystals Rainbow Rose's event will be a permanent reissue.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  4. #344

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    This worm has made me even more a fan of the 1.36 skill act girls.
    That Black Locust is a good one to have.
    Hard telling when the seal stone for event girls will pop up again.
    But it will.

  5. #345
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Edit: And what's about promoted girls? With all the 22X promotion gacha giving 110 free Rainbows Shards, you should be able to promote a girl now.
    Yes, I have used every rainbow shard gacha I could and now I'm at 815 shards. I'm only hesitating to use them because of RRose. Well, and there are so many girls I don't really have a good idea where to start from. I looked at this page and it seems to have some good suggestions, and this thread has been helpful too, but it's difficult to decide without really knowing the meta.

    Anyway, I went with Ume for the 6* ticket. Thanks for the suggestion. I was initially leaning towards Anemone, because of her defensive capabilities and super counter, but Ume is a beast and I really need the skill activation, especially with the lack of skill flowers.
    Last edited by kuresuta; 08-03-2019 at 12:19 AM.

  6. #346

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    Considering how much time it will take to get RRose perma reissue, the very low chance of another event girl stone and how much shards you can gather with promotion gacha, you should use them, unless you're waiting for a very precise girl promotion.
    I think you can promote any girl you really like. Unless she is a very bad rainbow (there is some...), she will be useful anyway. On my alt, I promoted Shizu and Easter Cactus Swimsuit. They are not very good girls but they help me a lot on hard missions like Kodaibana and Nidhogg. Nushi, Scene maps and Earthworm are too crazy anyway and you need very precises girls to do the job (or full ampied, full centied lvl100 and max skill teams of rainbows. Haha...).

    My criteras for promoting a girl are:

    - Do I like this girl?
    - Does she looks like a true rainbow? (I mean, a girl with a boring and not impressive skill and plain generic skin or animation will not be good enough to deserve 6 stars).
    - How good she is in battle?
    - How expensive she is?

    If she fits this, I promote. If not, I forget her.
    When you promote a girl, you must not regret it after that for any reasons. Choose with your heart, not with your mind.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #347

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Make the best of what the gacha gods give you build around it
    Everyone has a preferred play style. I like re-act offense type. I load up on skill and 1.65. Crit and crit dmg just makes it more powerful/faster.
    You will need a lot more support girls than nukes. You have a good one to fill in holes in Lotus Bride, that dmg up is worth more than attack up and she’s adaptable to any slot. That’s why she doesn’t have skill act.
    Limit Aoe types, I like at least one single target drain girl on every team
    Skill Act>Crit rate/ Crit Dmg> Weakness. They all pretty much suck if they don’t use their skill. 1.65 makes a huge difference.
    Counter is a difficult to build, needs ampied, I won’t have a crit/counter team ready for a good long while but it will be good because it will be replacing something good.
    Ume helps a lot on whale too with the solar gage.
    I got a new found respect for Japanese Anemone-she’s got magic power!

  8. #348

    Join Date
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    I'd been considering Ivy, Heather or radiant princess Anemone for my next RG since they all seem like they'd fit in most squad setups (Idol Anemone is an off-brand Kerria with +skill proc and self-targeted +50% skill damage in place of evasion and +defense, Ivy adds slash/pierce weakness coverage along with skill proc and solar burst damage, Heather adds pierce/magic weakness coverage along with skill proc/damage for the whole squad).

    The lack of crit boosting on any of them is the only real shortcoming I can think of. Any of them could take June Bride Lotus' place in my main squad though, letting her bolster my second squad along with whoever gets crowded out by Mei when I bloom her.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  9. #349
    Hmm... Can promoted characters use taunt? If so, I think Enotera/Pinkladies looks pretty appealing in lieu of Kerria.
    Last edited by kuresuta; 08-03-2019 at 06:31 AM.

  10. #350
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by kuresuta View Post
    Hmm... Can promoted characters use taunt? If so, I think Enotera/Pinkladies looks pretty appealing in lieu of Kerria.
    Yes. Also applicable to weakness damage up (which is also 6*-equippable only).

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