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  1. #31

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    Quote Originally Posted by skasio View Post
    Out of these two, Epidendrum is the way to go. You're going defensive route, fights will last longer, and Cactus's low stats will really hurt you in the long run.

    But, have you considered adding Victoria with provocation to the team? With 60% attack reduction, she should be able to hold her own for a while, even without evade. And then, double skill activation, combined with her and Bonci's buffs to skill damage...
    Yeah now i also think Epidendrum is more suited for this setup. 70 Damage Reduction and x1,8 Skill Activation sounds good.

    Victoria is also an option but I think Golden Lace is better suited for the tank role simply because of Evade. Victoria's 70 % + Skill Activation every turn after turn one is n1 though (I am in the process to build a crit team like that with Streptocarpus) and Victoria is one of my favourite Girls and a strong waifu candidate besides Maple and Shrine Foxy

    Would be n1 to have a Team Simulator of some sorts. With such a Programm everyone could test all teams without the need to whale like crazy

    Another option for Victoria would be a Skill Damage Team. I could pair her up with Maple cause Maple's Skillset is also good for Skill Damage Teams. Options...Options...Options...
    Last edited by Wutan; 12-30-2017 at 10:16 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #32
    So two questions (actually there's more but can't remember lol)

    1 - If I have ~150 ampies of each type, and I have 3-4 girls I want to power up, should I max ampie 1 girl, then rest others, or spread evenly between all girls?

    2 - In your guy's experience, for drawn out battles (3+ turns), what team set-up has shown to do most damage? What single ability type would you prioritize (Evade, counter, debuff, etc..?)

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  3. #33

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    1- Max one girl and then, start a new girl. Just prioritize counter girls for Def Ampies.

    2- Counter do the best job for me. Crit and Skill act is good on event missions or any other short fights, counter is good for bosses and long fights.
    Last edited by maotd; 01-01-2018 at 12:14 PM.

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  4. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    So two questions (actually there's more but can't remember lol)

    1 - If I have ~150 ampies of each type, and I have 3-4 girls I want to power up, should I max ampie 1 girl, then rest others, or spread evenly between all girls?

    2 - In your guy's experience, for drawn out battles (3+ turns), what team set-up has shown to do most damage? What single ability type would you prioritize (Evade, counter, debuff, etc..?)
    1 - Always go for maximizing each girl first before starting another. Prioritize those that are active part of your Whale Ship setup, and your main clearing teams. Those extra stats are not much until you 50% efficiency buff (1500 hp, 500 atk, 200 armor). So splitting it in between multiple characters will only prolong the time until they hit their maximum potential.
    You know what they say : Jack of all trades, master of none. While there are instances where its good to be versatile - it is not in this game, since even fro WS missions the game doesnt read the abilities or ultimates of the girls - it only reads the raw stats and adds them atop each other.
    So ALWAYS max one girl first, before moving on to another.
    Also - as far as Bloomable 6* go - try to use ampies only for the first 50 lvl, of each form, then use the high lvl Manyus. This will allow you to max- almost max her stats, in more Gold efficient way, than to pump the girl up to 80 quickly and them upgrade her with manyus - the price for each upgrade skyrockets exponentionally.

    2 - From my understanding the Evade/Healing girls seem to be the best choice. I believe Game listed some of them on the previous pages. The evasion helps to keep em safe, the healing slows down the dps run the boss mobs are doing to you, and if you have any girls that improve defense, or have the Guard buff ability, thats also a good choice.
    And if worst comes - Phoenix chan has that ressurect up to 50% HP for 3 (herself included). If you combine that with the skills listed above, you can get a pretty tough to kill team that - can grind down the enemy rather stubbornly.

  5. #35

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    The main issue with evade girls is the lack of offensive power. They can evade and survive longer buf it's useless if they do only normal crit-less attack with not that much ATK boosts. That's why I consider counter girls (the best is evade + counter) as the bests girls. Even if they do only meh attacks, angry pests do all the jog by attacking them and taking large amount of damages.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #36
    Thanks guys for the tips. Guess I will pick one of my rainbows for the maxing - feeding 100 ampies x3 times (HP/ATK/DEF) - god dam, how many golds this gonna cost? LOL, okay I will do it. Either Lycoris Shrine Maiden, Victoria June Bride, or Ionocidium. Feels like I need to flip a 3-sided coin...

    I just got 300 delicious rainbow coins so...I dunno. I don't have a rainbow counter girl yet. I was doing those ultimate missions lately, thus why the question, I can do up to maybe ~650-700k on those depending on RNG luck, but struggle on anything higher. Was thinking of Dusty Christmas ver. for 1st turn 1.65x, crit. pwnage ownage, but Safforn now looking not bad too, she is truly all purpose. And I will keep Phoenix chan in mind, I def. want her, but probably not 'till much later in the future.

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  7. #37

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    Thanks guys for the tips. Guess I will pick one of my rainbows for the maxing - feeding 100 ampies x3 times (HP/ATK/DEF) - god dam, how many golds this gonna cost? LOL, okay I will do it. Either Lycoris Shrine Maiden, Victoria June Bride, or Ionocidium. Feels like I need to flip a 3-sided coin...

    I just got 300 delicious rainbow coins so...I dunno. I don't have a rainbow counter girl yet. I was doing those ultimate missions lately, thus why the question, I can do up to maybe ~650-700k on those depending on RNG luck, but struggle on anything higher. Was thinking of Dusty Christmas ver. for 1st turn 1.65x, crit. pwnage ownage, but Safforn now looking not bad too, she is truly all purpose. And I will keep Phoenix chan in mind, I def. want her, but probably not 'till much later in the future.
    Since you already have 3 Evade Girls with Skill Act you could also go with:


    She has Evade, Skill Act and the Reenact Ability like Iono. Find another girl with Evade and Skill Act and you have Evade for the whole team, x2,0 Skill Act and the Reenact Ability from two girls which makes your Attack Phase better while still dodging enemy attacks.

    However regardless what route you take my advise is to finish one specific theme before you go with the next one.

    For example: If you decide to buy Christmas Dusty Miller you'll need 4 other Crit Rainbows to maximize her potential and since we don't get that many Rainbow Deals it could take a long time to finish that theme.
    Last edited by Wutan; 01-01-2018 at 01:45 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #38

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    Guess I will share as well. Team I'm currently working on, my masterpiece, The Perfect All Rounder:

    Nerine - Nightmaher - Bush Clover - Kerria - Alpinia

    Most important characters are all same type, to maximise potential of whale and personal equipment buffs.

    For easy fights - story and events - I have 3,5 AoE's (Bush Clover's 50% reenact) and enough skill activation to consistently finish fights on turn one.

    For harder ones, raid bosses and EX missions, with single big, bad and dangerous pest, I've got that covered as well.
    Nightmaher Evade-Counter combo, to keep rest of the team safe for first few turns. Bush Clover's 12% miss, a defensive cherry on top. And for the main dish - killer duo of Kerria and Alpinia. Remember when I mentioned enough skill activation? 2.12 multiplier, to be exact. That gives those lovely ladies over 80% skill chance at level 5, turning them into (almost) unkillable harbingers of death and destruction in single target fights, killing and healing for days. And all fights are single target, given enough AoE or nuke damage - both of which this team has.

    The team is not finished, but as it is right now, when fighting against raid bosses it looks very promising.
    Last edited by skasio; 01-01-2018 at 04:03 PM.

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  9. #39
    Wutan - I know I know, but it's like that theory, your brain comes up with reasons to try and support your reason, even if it's not the best option...

    What if Dusty Christmas, pair her up with a few golds with Crit act, so like ~100% crit. damage, would that somewhat justify my yearning..? T_T

    Skasio - Nice team, so you can nuke even top tier ultimate missions / top broken aqua maps with that?

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    Wutan - I know I know, but it's like that theory, your brain comes up with reasons to try and support your reason, even if it's not the best option...

    What if Dusty Christmas, pair her up with a few golds with Crit act, so like ~100% crit. damage, would that somewhat justify my yearning..? T_T

    Skasio - Nice team, so you can nuke even top tier ultimate missions / top broken aqua maps with that?
    Sure. Stat Priority for those Golds would be Skill Act>Critdamage=Critchance>Atk in my opinion.

    A few Crit Golds i know:


    By all means go for Christmas Dusty. She is awesome for a critteam. Since i try to build a critteam as well and nuke some stuff i can totally understand your desire
    Last edited by Wutan; 01-01-2018 at 07:34 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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