Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
So two questions (actually there's more but can't remember lol)

1 - If I have ~150 ampies of each type, and I have 3-4 girls I want to power up, should I max ampie 1 girl, then rest others, or spread evenly between all girls?

2 - In your guy's experience, for drawn out battles (3+ turns), what team set-up has shown to do most damage? What single ability type would you prioritize (Evade, counter, debuff, etc..?)
1 - Always go for maximizing each girl first before starting another. Prioritize those that are active part of your Whale Ship setup, and your main clearing teams. Those extra stats are not much until you 50% efficiency buff (1500 hp, 500 atk, 200 armor). So splitting it in between multiple characters will only prolong the time until they hit their maximum potential.
You know what they say : Jack of all trades, master of none. While there are instances where its good to be versatile - it is not in this game, since even fro WS missions the game doesnt read the abilities or ultimates of the girls - it only reads the raw stats and adds them atop each other.
So ALWAYS max one girl first, before moving on to another.
Also - as far as Bloomable 6* go - try to use ampies only for the first 50 lvl, of each form, then use the high lvl Manyus. This will allow you to max- almost max her stats, in more Gold efficient way, than to pump the girl up to 80 quickly and them upgrade her with manyus - the price for each upgrade skyrockets exponentionally.

2 - From my understanding the Evade/Healing girls seem to be the best choice. I believe Game listed some of them on the previous pages. The evasion helps to keep em safe, the healing slows down the dps run the boss mobs are doing to you, and if you have any girls that improve defense, or have the Guard buff ability, thats also a good choice.
And if worst comes - Phoenix chan has that ressurect up to 50% HP for 3 (herself included). If you combine that with the skills listed above, you can get a pretty tough to kill team that - can grind down the enemy rather stubbornly.