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  1. #61

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    yea post it, maybe it can spark some idea for building my 4th rainbow group.
    Right now I only set Nadeshiko as wanted girl for my 4th rainbow group.

  2. #62
    how about Buttercup for counter team?
    after evolved
    Counters 80% of the time using 2x of your Defense as Attack Power, or Super Counters if Defend and Counter activate simultaneously. (Super Counter deals 2x Counter damage).

  3. #63

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    Meh. Golden-rayed Lily and Echeveria are better event counter with their +20% defense for themselves and an ally. And with Super counter too. Golden-rayed Lily has also +20% ATK for all allies turn one. It's the best turn one ATK boost of all the 5*.
    Golden-rayed Lily is the 3rd event girl so, she is easy to get in the permanent reissue.
    Echeveria is the current reissued girl. Go for her. NOW.

    But if you already have them, Buttercup is a nice choice before you can get better girls like Tartarian Aster or Pink-Miko♥
    Anyway, if you want a gold counter team, Pink-Miko is just a must have. Her abilities are insane for a 5*.
    Last edited by maotd; 02-06-2018 at 10:12 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #64

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    I already post it in chatty forum, here I'll post more in details.
    Flower Knight Tactica-newrainbow.jpg
    Stock is a gimmick unit rather than a tank, a damager, and definitely not a nuker with her ability that seems to rely on defensive playstyle. With debuff, def boost&guts combo, your usual atk boost, but the most unique is she boost a big 35% on damage output the next turn if she got hit. So what do you think what team I should play around her?

    What first comes to my mind is definitely debuff team. With Stock, Epidendrum swim suit ver., Oncidium bride ver., Snowdrop, and Higanbana miko ver. setup it will give 1.8 skill activation rate, 80% atk reduced, and Snowdrop gimmick ability should boost atk for 60% when 3rd turn comes. This setup is of course, aim for rather harder stage like Kodaibana or broken map but has obvious downside with no hard hitting skill when fighting powerful single target at all.

    Do you guys have anything to add or recommended for different set up? Or any viable 5* replacement? I have Stock and Epidendrum ready for now so maybe I can go with alternative first and trade rainbow coins for Loquat for crit team.
    Last edited by game2534; 02-12-2018 at 05:42 AM.

    FKG ID
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    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  5. #65

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    Nah, I think your take on it is pretty good. Running her with a Debuff squad for -80% seems like a solid choice, plus you get the skill activation to a pretty good lvl thus the team wont be exactly weak (once the girls get their Rainbow Skillblooms to buff that % event higher).

    She might also work with squads that have massive Def boost like what BB has.

  6. #66

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    Whoops, it seems like atk down cap is 70% So I guess it's one out for bigger gun. The question is, who will out and who will in? I got some replacement gold but everyone just simply lacking any skill activation boost. I guess it's to prevent cheap yet OP team set up?
    Last edited by game2534; 02-12-2018 at 06:15 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  7. #67

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    First questoin about Stock is... Does + 35% Atk stack?
    Hey if it stack it will very broken.

    Another passive is normal.
    Debuff, Def, I won't count Atk 20% buff since it's normal buff for rainbow.
    I don't have any idea on building debuff team so I really don't know how to use her.
    But with my current team I will put her with Nerine and Ōonibasu to boost her Def buff.
    Other of her passive is extra.

  8. #68

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    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    First questoin about Stock is... Does + 35% Atk stack?
    Hey if it stack it will very broken.

    Another passive is normal.
    Debuff, Def, I won't count Atk 20% buff since it's normal buff for rainbow.
    I don't have any idea on building debuff team so I really don't know how to use her.
    But with my current team I will put her with Nerine and Ōonibasu to boost her Def buff.
    Other of her passive is extra.
    It shouldn't stack, but it pretty much goes off every time she got hit? I just got her fresh so I have no idea. I'm quite confident it has the same mechanic with Wutan detective-chan though. But with 65% atk down (it capped at 70%, so I guess it's one out so I can bring another in) Stock should be fine for quite a time. Oh, what about your pillow girl? Is she good with many weak point target skill?

    Edit: Please help me choose 2 out of 4. Give me reason why I should go with too will be very much appreciated. (You can use waifu reason like 'she hawt!' too of course.)
    1. Oncidium bride ver.
    2. Higanbana miko ver.
    3. Snowdrop
    4. Lavender valentine ver.
    Last edited by game2534; 02-12-2018 at 06:44 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  9. #69

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    Sleepy-chan is broken.
    From what I saw, it's seem like she buff weak atk 4 time to herself and another 2 party member.
    Before add her in team Acacia able to wipe out my first team in some run.
    After add... the best Acacia can do is K.O. 2 girls in my team.
    oh... wait... it's seem you didn't ask me oTL

    About the choice... I go for Snowdrop because she's fast.
    Last edited by twilightdream; 02-12-2018 at 07:00 AM.

  10. #70

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    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    Sleepy-chan is broken.
    From what I saw, it's seem like she buff weak atk 4 time to herself and another 2 party member.
    Before add her in team Acacia able to wipe out my first team in some run.
    After add... the best Acacia can do is K.O. 2 girls in my team.
    oh... wait... it's seem you didn't ask me oTL

    About the choice... I go for Snowdrop because she's fast.
    Nah, I really ask you. Pillow-chan seems like a solid rainbow in text but I want a confirm from someone who actually has her. Seems like a good choice for debuff/crit team then.

    And you actually remind me about speed. Yeah, Epidendrum is already slow so I guess Lavender would be a poor choice with her snail speed. I guess it's Oncidium and Snowdrop then.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

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