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  1. #71

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Nah, I really ask you. Pillow-chan seems like a solid rainbow in text but I want a confirm from someone who actually has her. Seems like a good choice for debuff/crit team then.

    And you actually remind me about speed. Yeah, Epidendrum is already slow so I guess Lavender would be a poor choice with her snail speed. I guess it's Oncidium and Snowdrop then.
    I'm little confuss. soorry
    Yea she is a good choice to add in any team, with all weak-point buff + activation buff.
    I also agree using Onci or Snowdrop, they fast and strong + activation buff.
    Especially Snowdrop can buff atk for 60% after pass 3 turn, I think it's very powerfull.

  2. #72
    how about that team?

    Flower Knight Tactica-evender-team.jpg

  3. #73

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    Good one. Really good one.
    Not sure about Dogwood though. She's either useless, decent or really good, depending on rest of the teams and whether you bother to use Solar Blast or not.

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  4. #74

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    In this team Dogwood has no reall place. All she does for them is 1.2 Skill act after Blooming. She shines in Solar Blast teams, but in this one she can be replaced without no real dettriment.

    1.2 Skill activation has become so common for Bloomed 6* that you really dont need to look around.
    There are girls who have the "super guard" buff, that increases defense and guard rate, which might synergize well with this team. Or you can always double down on the Counter Attack and get one more counter attack girl.

  5. #75

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    Hmmm? Isn't that my team (for general purpose)? At least the line up is exactly the same.
    The reason I place Dogwood in is because she gives 1 solar drive gauge by default. And it's fun to use it in normal battle (and get extra 25% atk for each blast) that doesn't required any special trick. She also pretty quick too. So she boost team speed nicely.

    This is the team I use when I cleared super broken aqua shadow.
    Flower Knight Tactica-lineup.png
    Apricot damage null 1 time is surprisingly useful since Ume and Sakura can one shot even Anemone and Saffron (if guts not activated) so even one attack counted.

    Edit: Now for a first world problem question What priority you gonna use your ampy for if you have lots of rainbows in your team?
    Last edited by game2534; 02-15-2018 at 08:55 AM.

    FKG ID
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    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  6. #76

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    If it's looks like your team I guess because it IS YOUR team. The screeshot is taken from a battle so, I'm pretty 100% sure it's an helper team.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
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  7. #77

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    Hey, this is very good one.
    I wondering where I seen that team...

    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Now for a first world problem question What priority you gonna use your ampy for if you have lots of rainbows in your team?
    Why ask? Has to be for waifu!!!
    arr... you already done that for sure.
    My amps solution is 'who come first get amps first' if that girls fit my interest.
    Last year (I think) I got Ōonibus, Nerine, Dendrobium, Cattleya, Seluria, Apricot, Pōchulaka and Hatsuyuki.
    So you can guess, Ōonibus got amps first (I think) and so on.
    Cattleya only the one I not amps, you know the reason.

    P.S. In FKG I don't have waifu, you read it right.
    I'm still searching...

  8. #78

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    You need to ask if I already max my waifu or not!? Blaspheme!

    FKG ID
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    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  9. #79

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    I'm confident you already max amp yo waifu. For sure why not

  10. #80
    yes, this is the team game2534
    I use ampi to strengthen after bloom, but it's expensive

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