Allright !
Here we go again !
Since all I need to complete my Elusive counterpunch brigade is Freesia (who will be the pick next ticket I get... or Rainbow medals for that fact), I was tinkering with what I wanna do for Team 3 and Team 4.

Seeing as lately the Super Bosses have Accuracy bonuses, the Evade team suddenly feels much less viable than I thought.
As such I think a masochist kungfu squad of Counter girls might be also necessary
For the last team I think Re-engagement girls would be fun, having chance to act again on every single one could be pretty interesting :3

Anyway - Plans for Team 3 "The thorny roses" or the "Iron Curtain" XD
These are all the Counter attack 6* girls in the game currently:
Red Ginger Slash Counter + Team Speed + Skill Act per lvl
Anemone Pierce Counter, Guard-Guts, Crit, dmg *
Sneezweed Magic Counter, Skill act, dmg, dmg
Mistletoe Pierce Counter, Debuff, Debuff skill, dmg, extra dmg
Appricot Magic Counter, Negate attack, Skill act, dmg
Saffron Pierce Counter, Guard-Guts, Evade, dmg *
Habranthus Slash Counter, Negate attack, Skill act, dmg *
Viola Yukata Blunt Counter, SB, Skill act, Dmg
Ghost Weed Blunt Counter, SB, Skil act, Dmg
Soapworth Magic Counter, self Heal, dmg, debuff, extra dmg per HP *
Apple (Tanabata) Magic Counter, dmg, Renact, debuff

The * symbolizes my picks. Soapworth I already have so I need 4 more girls. Soapchan is not the best but still pretty OK. 3.5x counter, and a chance to heal 1/3 of her HP each turn. To bad she doesnt have Defense/Guard up
Anewaifu (not my waifu but people on FB call her this and it is kinda endearing name mof :3) and Saffron are perfect for this. Honestly Saffron is even better for this than for a Evade team since her Defense/Guard buff stacks so well with Anemones, Giving them 52% Defense Buff and 9,3% Guard rate buff. Both of them have solid 4x and 4.25 counterpunch.
Habrantus is the hidden star here for the Slice type - she has a Negate attack ability like Appricot or Kuuko (Wolfberry), which is TOP skill to have. The extra Skill activation is ALWAYS welcome and while her Counter is slightly weaker, just 3.5 she is overall very solid choice for the team that needs to survive and let the enemy smash itself on them.

That leaves me with last slot open. Honestly I dislike Viola Yukata and Ghost Weed. Viola is not a loli, thats a fckn kindergardner... And ghost weed while visually ok, is the same exact copy of Viola Yukata skills. Neither of those are good choice tbh, so here I am hoping we get more Blunt type girls in the future (there are WAY to many Slash and Magic types). So one slot will be open for the moment - since I have to rely on tickets, this is a project for the next 2 years or so, unless I get Gacha lucky :P thus plenty of time for some new Girls to make appearance, hopefully at some Blunt types with at least one having Counter, and with a bit more luck Counter+Def/Guard up combo.