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  1. #91

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    May 2016
    So does any of you fine lads have a list of all the 6* Debuff Girls ?
    No Promo 6* just the original ones.

  2. #92

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    So does any of you fine lads have a list of all the 6* Debuff Girls ?
    No Promo 6* just the original ones.
    You can view a list of them on the "Appears on these pages" section when you go to the debuff icon's wiki page, which I find pretty handy.

    Acacia, Apple Tanabata, Cherry, Epidendrum Mizugi, Golden Lace, Herbaceous Peony Halloween, Horse Chestnut, Ivy New Year, Lavender Valentine, Lotus, Mistletoe, Oncidium Bride of Fos, Red Spider Lily Shrine Maiden, Snow Drop, and Stock.
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  3. #93
    I may be playing this game for almost a year but I still have problems with team building lol

    Signature made by Myrdin

  4. #94

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    Hmm so I went through all the debuff girls and I must say I like Apple a lot, Onci aint bad and Stock seems pretty decent.
    The problem is... none of these are Blunt type, and for my counter team I already have all the other spaces filled with girl who do their job rather nicely.
    Saffron - now Mistletoe might be better maybe, since she does Counter and Debuff as well, But Saffron is a really really tanky so picking her up should be a no brainer.
    With how I set up things it leaves me with Cherry or Ivy. Visually I like neither of them, though Cherry I dislikeeven more (that neon carnival color scheme of hers is all over the place). Admittedly she is pretty solid, with debuff and buff against boss enemies, thus helping even more to take down the one enemy type the Counter needs to deal with and that Is a boss.
    Ivy - I don't particularly fancy but at least her looks don't make me wanna vomit. But her abilities feel a bit weak though. Debuff only on 2, which makes it possible to miss the Boss mob when applied. And the rest of her skill set seems pretty meek as well. If she had skill act to go with that skill dmg, that would be the breaking point, but since she doesn't ... ah well.

    I suppose waiting and hoping for a better Blunt 6* in the future is the name of the game. Still need bunch of other girls to form the Team and to finish my current Evade team (Freesia), so its not like I need to decide right now.

  5. #95
    I recently completed my debuff, that 70% debuff really does wonders, like it as much if not better than my evade.

    Debuff: Lycoris Shrine Madien, Apple Tanabata, Tall Stewertia, Dhalia, Dalmatian Bellflower.

    Also, I need help with counter team, I cannot seem to get good results, granted I have no rainbow counters but it still is vastly under performing to what I imagined, current team picture (Counter team is team #1)
    Flower Knight Tactica-team-capture.jpg

    Rose: 100% counter w/ 3x def, has super counter
    Poppy: 100% counter w/ 3x def, has super counter
    Rosy Lily: Counters 80% of time w/ 3x def, has super counter, has defense buff
    Fire Lily: Counters 80% of time w/ 2.2x def
    Yamayuri: Counters 80% of time w/ 2x def, has defense buff

    Any suggestions to improve, any golds and/or rainbows I should actively consider? Ofc Safforn Rainbow, and maybe also アブラナ (Turnip Rape...weird a$* name....) Rainbow? Gold suggestions are welcome too.

    Also not sure if I should keep Yamayuri and go for full equipment unlock, and I think I'll need to phase out Fire Lily eventually too. Thanks guys!

    DMM ID: 838832909

  6. #96

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    For counter team you NEED 5* Pink Miko. 100% to deal 3.5x def counter damages, she has super counter, +50% def for herself and an healing skill. She is the best 5* counter in the game and should be a priority for the next choose-your-5*-waifu-stone if you want a good counter team.
    You can also try for girls like Tartarian Aster or Green Bristlegrass for counter+evade.
    And give them Defend Rate Up as promotion ability. Higher defend rate means even more super counter. And more counter damages. And give them them the bests equipement in term of defense. Always.
    Here is my counter team, as I used on Nidhogg raid boss phase or on raid bosses event:

    Counter damages are insane and Pink Miko deals more damage with super counter than with her skill. I hope it can help you in your team building.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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  7. #97
    Thanks Maotd, great advice! Yes, I remember you saying you defeated the Nidhogg with your all star gold team; and here I was with my rainbow lineup, unable to finish off the last 10% HP before time was up. I think I will actively look to get Pink and Aster (Shion).

    After looking at your solid lineup, I think equipment DEF bonuses definitely play a large/crucial role. For the first time since playing FKG, I finally lvl'd my equipments, the ones w/ highest DEF bonuses anyways. So with my below lineup:

    Rose / Rosy Lily / Poppy / Fire Lily / Mountain Lily (Yamayuri)

    Which of the above girls can be eventually be phased out / replaced with better units like Pink (Miko ver.), Safforn Rainbow, etc.? And which are keepers?

    Also, I have like 2 gold equip. flowers, who should I give them to..? If anyone at this point?

    DMM ID: 838832909

  8. #98

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    I put my counter team as my healper team for this week to let you test it by yourself.
    Equipement bonuses count a lot yes. That's why event girls are so good for counter teams. About your girls, you can clearly replace Fire Lily and Rose.
    Fire Lily has only a tiny 80% of 2.2xDEF counter. Just slightly better than event girls but without full unlocked equip slots. This girl is just a boss killer. counter is a little bonus but it's not enought to give her a solid place in a counter team.
    Rose has a nice 100% 3xDEF counter with healing skill but her defense is a shame and her solar gauge ability don't help at all on raid bosses or harder missions were strong counter is needed.

    I don't know if you have Echeveria but if you have her, she is a good option too, like Mountain Lily. At least as placeholder before Tartarian Aster.

    And about 2 gold equip. flowers, if you mean gold dressbloom, give them to Pink Miko. imho it's the best way to spend them since she is the girl with the highest counter rate.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #99
    Yes Fire Lily will eventually be phased out. SO sad that Rose's DEF is so low, I really like her. But I agree, that solar blast ability is pretty much useless.

    And thanks for the counter team for the test, it's definitely a notch above anything I'm capable of atm. I really like your Pink Miko idea, I think I'll go for it, and save my dressblooms, they are rare as f**. Thanks for the advice, I was honestly on the brink of giving up on a gold counter team. But I think I'll keep plugging away at it.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #100

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    Yeah. I really like Rose too but she suffer too much of being and old 5*... and the first 5* counter. Like many other girls from the begining she is a but unbalanced. She is one of these girls usable only on main quest or event missions.
    About Miko Pink, she will have her 30 FG gacha for rarity growth sooner or later. That's a good occasion to get her easily with possible dupes for more slots.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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