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  1. #101

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    Apr 2017
    I kind of want some opinion about who should I go with rairity growth between Protea (Got her) and new girl, Pickerel Weed. (need to try my luck)

    Protea after growth has a greatly increase double attack chance. Her skill is powerful sweeper and boss killer in a package. (Slightly inferior to pure boss killer skill though) But aside from 60% follow up, the rest is pretty vanilla with decently high atk boost, skill act boost and add weak to slash. (The last is pretty dumb down due to many powerful rainbows have slash attribute) For me she leaned to sweeper rather than actual boss killer, but 60% chance is pretty high and once the first attack clear all small flies, the second onward will be more powerful.

    The new girl, Pickerel Weed is clearly boss killer with her skill set once growth. With total 80% atk boost and 50% damage boost to boss and similar sweeper+nuke in one package like Protea. Her base stat is low however, with only 7300 atk vs Protea 7900. She got higher HP and def though, with slightly lower spd. (-50)

    Sum it up to
    PRO: Higher atk and spd
    Currently highest chance for double action with 60%
    Sweeper than can nuke
    CON: Abilities set is pretty vanilla
    Lower hp and def, thus risking early dead on broken map
    Lower consistency with her most powerful perk relied on chance
    Pickerel Weed
    PRO: Higher hp and def
    Abilities set is obviously aim for boss killer with none rely on luck or chance
    Nuker that can sweep
    CON: Very low atk for rainbow, slightly lower spd compare to Protea
    No survival skill so might not survive long enough to actually contribute in broken map.
    Don't have her yet, so it all might be just theory in the end

    All opinions welcomed
    PS: if Christmas Saffron has this 60% chance double act, I wouldn't have to think much like this.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  2. #102

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    Which Girls would be their comrades? If you don't have any Slice Girl in the final team Protea would definetely be better since Weakness Damage and Crit are much better than a simple Atk/Damage Boost.

    If you already have 2+Slice Girls in that team it greatly diminishes Protea's usefullness.

    60% Chance to Attack again is n1 though and if it procs it would outshine Pickerel's Damage.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #103

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    I guess it just depend on the girls arround them.

    Pickerel Weed seems really strong with her +85% ATK for herself and 50% damages on bosses. It's crazy. Just her alone is really powerful, espacially with a such kind of skill.

    King Protea has that precious 60% of reattacking. Based on the what I seen on Easter Sneeze Weed, it can be slightly broken. I mean, just her by herself is decisive on thoses Nidhogg battles ending. Another example, with her reattacking, I can go over the 200k damage on Crystal Break on whaleships. Without her reattacking, I stay arround 120k.
    So, King Protea can deals large amount of damages but due to her weak attack boost (ok +25% is actually excellent for a 6* but she has only this) she needs strong support.

    In other words, if you have the right support in term of ATK/skill rate/Damage boost, go for King Protea. If you hardly need a girl able to do all the job by herself and carry on all the team, go for Pickerel Weed. I guess.

    Now, it's my turn. I wonder which girl could be the best:
    Spring Starflower 5*
    Increases Attack for party members by 20%.
    Reduces Attack for 3 enemies by 15%.
    Increases Critical Activation Rate for party members by 25%.
    Increases Critical Damage for party members by 35%.

    She is a strong Crit girl with a powerful 1 target skill. And she has damage reduction. That's a nice thing.
    Plus, she is a good support for Kerria and she go well with Halloween Peony with the same kind of Crit/Debuff thing.

    She has only +20% ATK and needs a good support to be the team's star. And her skill animation is slightly meh. Or at least, not enough impressive for a 6* after all.
    I don't have Kerria and I'm still far from 300 R-medals.
    She want to kill the comander. I'm not she it's a good idea to give crazy power to a such girl...

    Blood Iris 5*
    Increases Attack for party members by 30%.
    Increases Attack for 2 party members, oneself included, by 30%.
    In a Boss fight, increases Attack for party members by 30%.
    In a Boss fight, increases Attack for 2 party members, oneself included, by 30%.
    Increases Defense for party members by 22%, increases damage reduction when defending by 4%, and allows oneself to resist fainting with 1 HP remaining up to 3 times per battle.
    Counters 100% of the time using 4x of your Defense as Attack Power, or Super Counters if Defend and Counter activate simultaneously. (Super Counter deals 2x Counter damage).

    Just look at her self boost. +120% It's just... too much. And +60% for the other girls. She can be both a sweeper and a solid support for anyone.

    Her Counter ability can't shine in an offensive team. It's a small plus but she can't be good on defensive side enough for being a 6* counter. Even ith defense boost, Guts and Super counter.
    I'm not a great fan of 2 target skills. It's not as powerful as a single target skill and don't cover all the target and let some bosses do what they want. I try to avoid this kind of skills if I can.
    Last edited by maotd; 05-01-2018 at 11:10 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #104

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Wow, there are so many revamped around the corner. Even my waifu got double act rate up to 50% So tempting yet I already put skill/dressbloom on her... What to do...

    @maotd Your team around Springstar Flower is good with high crit chance and fair survivability from Halloween Peony debuff, but careful with low skill activation chance. Kerria is op because her skill. If she can't use it (almost) every turn, it kinda moot her awesomeness. 3 of them don't have skill act boost, and 1.4x from 2 girls might be too low.

    Blood Iris is kind of a mix like Anenome. If only she has single target then she is the one to go for IMO. She is torn between her hybrid stat, skill, and abilities set. Not really offense or defense oriented so no solid role for her. Is she attacker or supporter? 7500 atk for rainbow is slightly low too. (Not as abyssmal as Anemone's 6900 though, but her skill are more than make up for it with 5.4+0.5x vs Blood Iris 3x) So which team you gonna bulid arond her? Defensive counter or pure offense with Blood Iris as semi-tanker?

    Edit: Waifu come to challenge! With her buffed rate of double act, I will add info for your opinions again.

    For whatever the reason is, every girls that this artist draws always get quite a big cut of cake called awesome. Saffron is not an exception. One version of her is the best tanker in the game, another is the powerful boss killer, if not quite a selfish version.
    PRO: High atk once growth with 7800atk
    50% double up rate with boss killer skill
    Dodge, nuff said with provocation combo once growth
    MY WAIFU! Frankly this might outweight any con I gonna list
    CON: Her abilities set is vanilla with nothing super dupe except 50% double act, the same con as Protea but with 10% lower chance
    Completely boss killer without ability to sweep
    Low atk boost compare to the two and sacrifice some damage boost to party with dodge instead
    Already spent 2 dressblooms and 4 skillblooms on her, so it all gonna waste once growth in exchange of shards discounted
    Last edited by game2534; 05-01-2018 at 09:51 PM.

  5. #105

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    May 2016
    I`ll chime in a little bit as far as the 60% chance to strike again goes.

    I have the non promoted Protea and she has just 40% and that already made a difference bunch of times. To get 60% - you gonna feel it. Thats for sure.
    I think evolved Iono has what... 40 ? ... wait it seems she got buffed in this update, although I am not sure what type of buff it is.
    Anyway Promoted Protea has higher chance than an original 6* and by a lot, so she will make the difference.

    Personally I think they are overdoing the promotion a bit too much. Bunch of the promo girls are better than native 6* and at that point the incentive to get an actual 6* drops massively. If they were buffed to pseudo Rainbow, or a proper but weaker rainbow I wouldnt mind this as much, but more often than not, they outscale the original 6*, sometimes by a lot.

    Wutan - gratz on the pull you lucky mofu you ! This time the girls in the gacha are n1.
    I really like the art style of the new Magic Pickerel Weed 5*. The hammer chan is pretty decent to, and I really like the copy > paste > recollored event girl. 6* seems cute enough, though my personal favorite this time is Pickerel Weed.
    Maybe I`ll try one big pull to see if I can get her.

  6. #106

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    Iono got the short end of the stick in my opinion.

    The only buff she received is 10% Skill Damage for the whole team. Well that's not bad but an increased chance to attack again would have been much better.

    PS: Thanks,Myrdin

    Well originally i didn't want to purchase Crit Girls anymore cause i have a decent collection of them already but this new 6* is borderline OP for Crit Teams.
    Btw. her name is Streptocarpus. Just call her Sherlock-Chan
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-02-2018 at 02:58 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #107
    So I gotz 300+ rainbow coins now and a 5 star redeem ticket.

    I think continue to build counter team is good option. What is best counter girl 5 star and 6 star? From my conversation with Maotd a while back, if I choose Safforn Rainbow and Pink Miko ver., those would be good choices?

    Current Team:
    Rosy Lily
    Fire Lily
    Mountain Lily

    Whoever 5 and 6 star, replace new girls and oust Fire Lily and 1 more (maybe Rose...?) And then should I use all my equip. flowers on Safforn and maybe Pink? Thanks guys!

    DMM ID: 838832909

  8. #108

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    Pink miko is the best. Another example of her poer, my Gold Counter team (Pink Miko+Mountain Lily+Poppy+Tartarian Aster) + Easter Cactus killded all the Nidhogg bosses on the first day (the others days they don't do their job but it's because bosses are broken with heal and ATK boost).
    I guess Saffron+Pink Miko is a solid choice. Anyway, Saffron is just top tier among the Rainbows and Pink Miko is a top tier Gold.
    I don't remember who said that but if we had tier rank from S-tier to D/E tier, Saffron will be S-tier, like Kerria. And Pink Miko will be S-tier too (she is even better than some 6* in term of abilities).

    And she is not even a waifu (actually she is just abattle waifu due to her power).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #109

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    So I gotz 300+ rainbow coins now and a 5 star redeem ticket.

    I think continue to build counter team is good option. What is best counter girl 5 star and 6 star? From my conversation with Maotd a while back, if I choose Safforn Rainbow and Pink Miko ver., those would be good choices?

    Current Team:
    Rosy Lily
    Fire Lily
    Mountain Lily

    Whoever 5 and 6 star, replace new girls and oust Fire Lily and 1 more (maybe Rose...?) And then should I use all my equip. flowers on Safforn and maybe Pink? Thanks guys!
    If you actually want to create solid counter team, considered drop at least 1 dressbloom on Saffron if you have any. Equip ring and bracelet as usual but focus on defense since Saffron has AOE skill. Her main source of damage will come from counter. (My Saffron can crit-weakness counter for 40k while skill usually goes around 25-30k)
    For Pink Miko it's much easier to get at least dressbloom or even dupe. But for a girl with such obvious geared to survival like her I suspect that her rarity growth might be extremely broken. If she happened to get dodge once growth, she will outdone even Saffron in both tanking and damaging. Paired with Pheonix-chan and you will get one hella scary girl. A downside is that her artist seems to sold his/her soul to another game and we might not see her bloomed picture anytime soon. (Both 6* and 5*)

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  10. #110
    I see, thanks guys, good thoughts, seems both of you agree with Safforn and Pink Miko choice. I think I have a rainbow equip flower sitting somewhere, might as well use it on Safforn if I have it.

    Good to know Safforn is "S rank", I agree she is broken. I shall do exact that then, I'll get those 2 girls. We'll see if my counter team improves or not. Excited for the new girls to join my team. W00t.

    DMM ID: 838832909

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