Well then its a good thing I made a list of the girls to make it more easier ey ?

For what unregistered said - he neglectes the fact that every single 6* girl on the list (and pretty every single 6* in general) does have a DMG buff of her own - You know the basic +15%/20%. That means with 5 girls you are getting somewhere between 75%-125% raw damage buff, before all the other Boss killing buffs are applied.

As for the setup I have in mind, 3 of the girls are the same as the ones used in the video in Chit chat - granted I think those were maxed out in everything - Whale level: Maximum. So just basic 1 equip slot 5/5 skill and ampys is the most I am looking at. Still I think the setup presented by that person was pretty good, though I personally would replace Mei/Cactus with Pink Ladies, and Blood Iris but the rest of the setup seems pretty solid.