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  1. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    No need to apologize. I assume it's really hot where you life?

    You could maybe try: Ivy, Foxy (miko), Onci (Bride), Easter Cactus and RG.

    That would be 50 % Debuff and a resurrect/heal of phoenix-chan.

    Don't know how good it is but you could test it.
    Not really too hot where I am. It's really just that I got hit last night with crap that runs in the family. So I hardly slept at all and basically fighting headache and nausea right now.

    Nice idea. I gave it a try a few times. The team is consistently coming in ~2.5 million, lower than what I had with my normal team. It doesn't seem like RG is hitting as hard as she normally does. However, I don't have all these girls ampie maxed like my normal team. So that could also be a factor.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  2. #212

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    ^Just take it easy, no need to do this right now if you have real life issue. It just my personal curiosity and I somewhat get an idea now, at least in gameplay wise. Get well soon my comrades.

    Edit: Please give Saffron healing or at least super counter soon! We're in powercreep meta right? Everyone must get some form of upgrade right!?

    Might be the first time I see a draw screen with my team. Last around 100 turns?
    Last edited by game2534; 06-06-2018 at 04:42 PM.

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    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  3. #213

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    ^Just take it easy, no need to do this right now if you have real life issue. It just my personal curiosity and I somewhat get an idea now, at least in gameplay wise. Get well soon my comrades.

    Edit: Please give Saffron healing or at least super counter soon! We're in powercreep meta right? Everyone must get some form of upgrade right!?

    Might be the first time I see a draw screen with my team. Last around 100 turns?
    Officer ! Over here ! Take this waifu power creeping madman out of here !

  4. #214

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    Well i'll just leave this here:


    That's an insane amount of damage oo

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #215
    Ok so I got some Kerria fever after getting her and seeing her demolish pests with my semi-"meh" team builds. And I remember that you guys said 2 primary builds for her, debuff and crit., so I attached a simple sheet below, outlining all girls meeting those criteria

    Flower Knight Tactica-yamabuki-options.jpg

    I didn't include any promo girls, so if there's any hidden gems there, please let me know. So which do you guys think is overall better build for Kerria, and what team members should support her? Crit or Debuff...or both..o_O

    More importantly, which 4 teammates should she have? I find myself struggling after making the list, hope you guys can give some insight. So many to choose from...head is spinning!

    DMM ID: 838832909

  6. #216

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    Speaking about Kerria, I wonder how it could work if we put Kerria, promoted Water Lily and promoted Rainbow Rose in the same team? Considering one of this girl is a monster by herself and survive through boss fights, three of them could be even better isnt' it?

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
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  7. #217

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    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Speaking about Kerria, I wonder how it could work if we put Kerria, promoted Water Lily and promoted Rainbow Rose in the same team? Considering one of this girl is a monster by herself and survive through boss fights, three of them could be even better isnt' it?

    Not exactly Royal Waterlily in that team but you get the idea xd


    She works in both teams. I can't really tell in which team she is best cause i miss girls for the best possible setup.


    Sadly one of Kerrias best partners is Aconite...and she is a promo girl. You really want Skill Act. for Kerria in both Archetypes.

    Not Min/Maxed but an example for a good Debuff Team would be this in my opinion:

    http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/H...ny_(Halloween) In Debuff you wan't to buff Damage Output. Peony provides a little bit of Crit. Could come in handy to buffs Kerria's Damage even more. Also increases Atk. based on turns
    http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/E...rum_(Swimsuit) Poor Man's Aconite with 20% Debuff and Skill Act.
    http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Snow_Drop She gives Skill. Act. and Atk increase based on the number of turns.
    http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Red_Spider_Lily_(World's_Flower_Shrine_Maiden) she could come in handy cause in some cases she buffs for 45% atk if there are three enemies present. Also she is your waifu.
    http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Kerria The monsta

    In a Crit Team i would definetely build a team with Kerria/Pygmy Combo.

    Both Girls share the same type. Therefore Pygmy has a good chance to buff Kerria with all other "Elements".

    Weakness Damage+Crit is devastating in Crit Teams.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-16-2018 at 12:52 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #218

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    I see... this guy is crazy. Thoses girls are crazy.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #219
    Very nice suggestions thanks Wutan. A few things just my biased opinion on this. I did not (and still do not) like Epidendrum's design/looks from day one. Aside from being lucky and pulling her from gatcha, I do not see myself getting her anyone soon, or ever o_O ; and yeah I like to play defensive so debuff is nice, maybe focus on that 1st...

    Lycoris Miko
    H. Peony Halloween
    Snow Drop
    Rainbow Rose / Aconite

    So in the end, we have approx., assuming 2-3+ turns passed: up to 250-300% ATK boost, 50-70% debuff, 1.6x - 1.76x Skill Act, so maybe okay set-up?

    The last slot, I also really want a heal, but anyone who has a "Overlimit" skill, doesn't have 1/2x Skill Act; I also maybe am thinking about Easter Cactus, 'cuz coming back from the dead... but dunno if I should sacrifice one of the above for her or not.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #220

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    Personally i wouldn't go for anything below 65% Debuff. I once tried a 50% Debuff Team on a harder map but wasn't that pleased with the result.

    20 % Damage Reduction is a lot.

    Halloween Peony
    Lycoris Miko

    That's definetely a good team. I know it's tempting to squeeze in another Monster Damage Unit in form of Rainbow Rose but like i said you would miss 20% Damage Reduction.

    If you want to go the Aconite Route you have to buy a Japanese Novel if i remember correctly. It's something like 7 $.

    In case you want to buy Aconite's Serial Code please let me know. I considered buying her for a long time now and i would do it if there is an easy uncomplicated way to do it. Maybe you figure out a way how we can get her easily

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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