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  1. #231

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Ok so for my second Crit setup I think I´ll go like this

    Dusty Miller basic
    Plumeria Bride (Promo)
    Mei / Ume
    Corn Cockle
    Rainbow Rose (promo)

    2 single target nuker and one girl who attacks 3 random targets. 2 AoE s to clear up front.
    A lot of skill activation, very high crit values.
    No actual protection like my 1st team thanks to Kukos shield, but the pure undiluted Boss killing potential of this squad is .... ufff, yeah.

    What do you think ?


    After much contemplation and tinkering with different ideas I think the last squad will be Debuff+Kerria.
    Just to have some retard damage ready for when shit gets tight (though honestly the crit team above should be able to deal with pretty much anything that doesnt go before them).
    Which means.... I´ll have to take a look into Debuff girls ! (Would love to see Kerria in Crit team setting though. Mother of God those would be some massive red numbers.)
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-19-2018 at 11:41 AM.

  2. #232

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    Looks really good but keep in mind you won't reach Critical Hit Cap.

    For Rainbow Rose and Corn-Shan (only on the first turn though) it doesn't matter but the other three only reach 70 % Crit Chance.

    Also keep in mind Corn Cockle can "only" reach 68 % Skill. Act. on the first turn and the other turns if she has 5 Skill Levels.

    Corn-Chans best turn is the first one and if you can't make sure that she activates her Skill there she will lose a lot of value.

    I know that's an unpopular opinion on our subforum (I like First Turn Girls though ) but if you want to go with Corn-Chan i would include a "First Turn" Girl in the Squad.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-19-2018 at 12:05 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #233

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Talking about crit team, how about this setup?
    Shiro-chan (Dusty Miller)
    Rainbow Rose (RG)
    1.8x skill act, 80% crit chance, 185% crit damage with 335% for RR.

    Can shift Loquat out for Himeshara as substitute member while cut skill act down to 1.6 and crit damage down by 25% in exchange of powerful sweeper (310% crit damage, has chance to double act so the team becomes hybrid crit/double act)
    Last edited by game2534; 06-20-2018 at 05:47 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  4. #234

    Join Date
    May 2016
    I was thinking about something like that, but then I would have to redo my first team and I am kinda used to them, knowing what to expect and what not.

    Granted if I dissolved them I might be able to reshuffle the girls as necessary and bring out even more insane combo.

  5. #235

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Crit team is the most flexible team to build around as of now. Many new girls have crit abilities and you have limitless possibility for them. I myself have Himeshara so I can use her in the team while holding Loquat out for now.

    Counter team is great, but without any kind of rebuff as of late they look kinda pale compare to how insane crit team is and the puzzle pieces are much more limited as well. At least I have full debuff team now and I can pick Kerria if needed.

    The last team however, I plan to go with wild card that will use to support the first 3 teams. Maybe Lantana (flower fest) or if Strawberry Candle got promotion, they will be in this team. Of course, not at the same time. But it would take a long time this team will be the last to finish. That, or just become indie and go with full solar drive.
    Last edited by game2534; 06-20-2018 at 07:59 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  6. #236

    Join Date
    May 2016
    So as usual my dear gentlemen and lady (I believe cheekey s not around anymore so Cait is the only one now), I am back with yet another list

    This time I have taken look at all the debuff units accross all the fields, 6* and promo included.

    this is the list:

    Debuff - Kerria squad

    B Cherry -20% 5 boss fight, boss, dmg
    S Dancing Lady -15% 5 skill act, Skill dmg, Skill dmg self, dmg
    P Mistletoe -15% 3 -Skill enemies, dmg next turn, Supercounter, dmg
    S Accaccia -20% 3 crit dmg self, crit self, crit all, dmg
    P Snowdrop -15% 5 skill act, dmg next turn, dmg
    M Epidendrium Swim. -20% 5 skill act, slash weak, dmg
    M Foxy Shrine maid -15% 5 skill act, dmg per #enemies, dmg
    S Herbaceus Hallown -20% 2 crit chance, dmg next turn, dmg
    B Ivy New Year -20% 2 boss dmg, skill dmg, dmg
    M Lotus -20% 5 boss dmg, pierce weak, dmg
    P Chestnut -20% 3 boss fight, blunt weak, dmg
    M Apple tanabata -20% 3 50% react, super count, dmg
    M Golden Lace -15% 5 evade, dmg per #enemies, dmg
    P Stock -15% 5 Def+Guard, next turn dmg, dmg
    M Lavender -15% 5 skill act, boss dmg, dmg

    M Marvel of Peru -15% 5 supercounter, crit, crit dmg, def+guard, dmg
    M Aconite -20% 3 skill act, less dmg from map pest, heal nodes, dmg
    B Dalmatian Bellfl -15% 3 evade, Boss fight, dmg
    S Spring Starflower -15% 3 crit, crit dmg, dmg
    M Showy Primrose -15% 3 evade, dmg next turn, dmg
    S Jumpseed -15% 3 evade, def+guard, dmg

    S - Slash type (red)
    B - Blunt type (blue)
    P - Pierce type (yellow)
    M - Magic type (purple)
    Promo - Rarity Growth into a 6*

    This time I didnt go to deep into their secondary abylities. Rather the only numbers written are the Dmg % of the Debuff, the number of enemies affect (3 mean and 5 are pretty much the same as there is never more then 3 enemies at one time).
    The secondary abilities are listed just to see the synergies, without going to deep into the details.

    *You might notice - not a single low tier promo girl has debuff.

    This team would Include Kerria as the last girl in line for the broken Finisher.
    Looking through the list I have a good feeling about the possiblity of giving Kerria SOME crit, while also providing the debuff necessary.
    Alternatively there are few girls who add massive defensive buffs, which is also the way to go.
    Alternatively you can build a semi counter/evade team with Kerria as a finisher, thus milking the Boss for more dmg/taking it longer to kill you.

    I`ll post two or three possible setups once I get home from work and can use my dual screen to sort through the girls properly.

    Till then do feel free to post your debuff teams, or teams you would build otherwise with seeing all the girls sorted like this. Ideas, suggestions, etc but when building the list try to factor in Kerria as the finisher.
    Admittedly if you want to go the Kerria route, you need all the Skill act you can get. Which pretty much limits the setup drastically.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-21-2018 at 07:34 AM.

  7. #237
    As we all said before, skill act. is a huge part for dear Kerria. Choices are limited because of such.

    Aconite: 20% Debuff, 1.36x skill act., +20% ATK
    Lycoris Miko: 15% Debuff, 1.2x skill act., +15% ATK, (up to) +45% ATK
    H. Peony Halloween: 20% Debuff, +20% ATK, +60% ATK (after 2 turns), +30% Crit Rate
    Snow Drop: 15% Debuff, Skill Act, +15% ATK, +60% ATK (after 2 turns)
    Pygmy Water Lily: Gives all weakness, Crit Rate + 20%, Crit. Dmg. +25%, + (up to) 45% ATK

    Not substituting Pygmy, the team + Kerria would have full 70% Debuff, 1.76x Skill Act., uses skill ~67% of time @ max. skill and under best conditions, ATK buff of +275%. Pygmy gives all weakness, but not sure if she is worth removing one girl for that ability...? In any case, that is what I came up with, given the current state of girls and abilities, etc.
    Last edited by Ghostmon; 06-22-2018 at 12:15 PM.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  8. #238

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    Pygmy Lily is a good option if you need to fight pests with varied weakness. If you fight pests with only one kind of weakness or not weakness at all (like Nidhogg), forget about her. Even if you fight pests with a unique non-Slice weakness, she may not be a good choice. Her ability give weakness attribute to only 2 allies. If Kerria don't get the needed ability, it's wasted. It's a pure 50/50. If you need to rely on that small chance to win the fight, you may found a better ally. I guess.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #239
    But I still feel like this Kerria is not OP enough. It needs to be more more BROKEN. Need to find the right balance. Make your Broken Kerria challenge, we can do it guys lol, help us out.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #240

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    My plan to use Kerria would be in debuff team with
    Epidendrum (swimsuit ver.)
    This team geared to outlast boss. Nothing more, nothing less. After turn 3 the team gain additional 60% atk and every time Stock got hit, prepare for the world of hurt with 35% damage bonus. Debuff is not at 70% capped however.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

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