Second what Kurenai said. Those three are solid choices.

Xmass Rose is also very good. I have her on Nutku and have been happy with her performance (and she aint even got bloom there).
She is not a loli but is still very young-ish looking so knowing you its not gonna float.

Edelweis new year is a decent choice, though she needs to be in a Nuker squad since you get most of her only on the 1st turn.
The dude who murdered Nidhorogg kun, in all forms, in one turn had her in his team.

Wheat is not a loli, but again is a bit young-ish looking
...but you know with Anime its hard to say, especially since this game artworks use many different styles from different creators so..

The last one is Pumpkin both forms.

But yeah, holy crap, now that you pointed it out, looking at all the 6* Blunts, the wast majority of them are lolis.