Make the best of what the gacha gods give you build around it
Everyone has a preferred play style. I like re-act offense type. I load up on skill and 1.65. Crit and crit dmg just makes it more powerful/faster.
You will need a lot more support girls than nukes. You have a good one to fill in holes in Lotus Bride, that dmg up is worth more than attack up and she’s adaptable to any slot. That’s why she doesn’t have skill act.
Limit Aoe types, I like at least one single target drain girl on every team
Skill Act>Crit rate/ Crit Dmg> Weakness. They all pretty much suck if they don’t use their skill. 1.65 makes a huge difference.
Counter is a difficult to build, needs ampied, I won’t have a crit/counter team ready for a good long while but it will be good because it will be replacing something good.
Ume helps a lot on whale too with the solar gage.
I got a new found respect for Japanese Anemone-she’s got magic power!